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Staring and staring and staring.
That's all he did.

He stared at his classmate's smiling face during every second of every class he had with him.

Surprisingly, no one noticed. Not even the teachers, who should've told him numerous times to get to work.

Jungkook was infatuated and he knew he was obsessed and he knew that the boy could never like him back, but he




wishing for something to happen that never could.

Eventually he gave up and stopped obsessing over anyone.

He was just existing, unfeeling, and actually paying attention in class.

Being so focused, he didn't notice the stares he received.

The stares full of curiosity and interest. The stares that were given day after day, unrelentingly.

Until one day, he looked up from his worksheet, finding the boy giving the stares looking straight at him.

They made eye contact, and the boy looked away, face red.

Park Jimin. Jungkook thought. The boy who can't remember anyone's name.

That statement was a fact. Jimin would always forget names. Even that of his best friend, Taehyung, whom he had called Hoseok a few days beforehand.

Park Jimin. The boy I had a crush on.

Jungkook found himself staring affectionately, as he had in the past, but he shook it off.

Nothing good comes from having feelings for people. You know this Jungkook, based on your numerous failed romances.

The bell rang, and it was lunch time.

Before Jungkook could leave the classroom, Jimin walked over.

"Hey," Jimin said.

"Hi," Jungkook responded nonchalantly.

"I was wondering if you knew when our next test is going to be," Jimin said while adjusting the strap of his backpack on his shoulder.

Jungkook was confused since the date of the next test was on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom. "It's next Wednesday."

"Thanks, Jungkook." Jimin said as he ran off, flashing a dopey smirk.

"You're welcome," Jungkook said shaking his head.

"See, nothing good comes from harboring feelings. They just fade as you realize the person you like is a pretty idiot who can't read whiteboards," Jungkook muttered to himself, willing the blush on his cheeks to go away.

"Especially if that person has a cute smile."

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