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Scott POV

I looked at Mitch, who was standing next to me, watching Kirstie walk away. I wrapped my arm around him. "Don't you worry (a/n heaven's got a plan for you). Wherever you go, Kirstie or I will be there for you. You'll never be alone." He sighed.

"Are human males attracted to that?" I laughed. "They're supposed to. But I'm not." He looked at me. "Are you... attracted to me?" I could see it felt weird for him to say it, maybe even weird to realize.

"Yes," I simply answered. "Yes I am." He gave me a big smile and hugged me. I gave him a small kiss on his forehead.

"Hey lovebirds!" I heard Kirstie call. She showed up with the car. "Let's go!" Mitch and I got in the car and I helped Mitch with his seatbelt. We both sat in the back. Mitch looked scared, but I reassured him that this wasn't a plane, but a bit like the jeep that Avi had. This calmed him down a bit.

I saw that Kirstie wanted to ask all about Mitch, but the way I told her we had to wait made her stop. We had been driving for a while, until Kirstie went slower and slower, going to a full stop. "Are we there?" Mitch asked, hope in his voice. "No," I said. "We can't be there yet."

I looked out the window. Huge traffic jam. People were marching through the streets, holding banners saying they were against the new president, mr. Trump. I didn't blame them, but why now? The scene in front of us (and around us, it was everywhere) was like a 4D movie. They were all shouting the same words, forming a song.

Sound it off, this is the call!
Rise in revolution!
It's our time to change it all,
Rise in revolution!
Unite and fight, to make a better life!
Everybody one for all,
Sound off, this is the call;
Tonight we rise!

Rise in revolution
Rise in revolution

In a world gone mad,
In a place so sad!
Sometimes it's crazy
To fight for what you believe!
But you can't give up,
If you wanna keep what you love!
Never give up, no!

Mitch looked at me. "What's going on?" I sighed. "They don't like our leader, and they force their opinion onto the entire world." "Weird," was all Mitch said.

We had to wait at least 50 minutes before all the protesters had gone. "Finally," Kirstie sighed as she started the car. "Let's go home."

When we got home, I helped Mitch out the car. He immediately took a deep breath and stretched his arms above his head. Kirstie opened the door to our shared appartement, which overflowed with the familiar smell of home.

I dropped my bag on the floor and jumped on the couch, immediately laying down. "God, I missed this," I sighed happily. I looked at Mitch, who was standing in the doorway, uncomfortably next to Kirstie. I opened my arms. "Come here Mitchy!" I called. He ran to me, laying on top of me, nuzzling his face in my chest. I wrapped my arms around him. I was happy he was here with me.

Kirstie sat down on a chair, after she grabbed herself and me a soda and Mitch a water. "Now tell me everything," she said. I smiled. "You want to know all about little Mitchy here?" "Yeess!" She whined. "He's not your boyfriend, but you act like you are a couple. I ship it!"

Mitch lifted his head. "Ship?" "It's when you want two people to be together," I explained. "You make up a name for them, most of the times a combination of those two names. When those two get a relationship, your ship has sailed." He thought for a while. "Scott... Mitch.. Scomitch... Scömìche?" I laughed. It sounded funny. But Kirstie happily clapped her hands. "Scömìche it is! Love the pronunciation!" Mitch looked at her like he didn't get it. "The way you say it," I whispered in his ear.

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