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A/N For this chapter the bold part will be Kirstie, the italic will be Mitch and the underlined will be Scott.

It has been three days now. Mitch has mostly been in his room, not saying much. I know he misses Scott, but I can't do anything about it. Is it something I said?

I can't take this anymore. Take me home, or take me to Scott. Hell, do anything, but get me out of this house. I wish I could tell Kirstie, but she is so happy about texting Jeremy, I don't want to make her feel bad.

It has been three days. I really want to see Mitch again. I called him two days ago and he told me about Jeremy. I told him to have a good time with Kirstie and told him not to worry about me. I wish he knew how phones work, because Kirstie sure as hell didn't tell him.

I brought Mitch dinner, but he didn't say anything. He looked at me as if he wanted to say so much, but nothing came out. I wanted to ask him how he was doing, but I just kept quiet and left.

If this goes on like this, I'm afraid I might lose my words. I don't even sleep in the bed anymore, but underneath it. It's small, but it reminds me of the cave, the only thing home-like that's here. I got one of Scott's shirts with me, but it barely smells like him anymore. I don't even remember where he is, even though I know it's been only two days. I have got to look for him.

When I walked up later that night to see if Mitch was asleep, I wasn't surprised to see nothing in the room. I looked under the bed, where Mitch usually was, but no one was there. Scott's shirt was gone too, which was even weirder. Mitch had become addicted to that thing. Then I realized the window was open. I ran towards it, like it was going to help, but when I looked outside it was just.. night. I screamed "MITCH" but no one responded, except for the neighbour's dog. He was gone.

I had jumped out the window. It was further down than expected, but I had been jumping down heights in the jungle, so the street only hurt my hands a bit. I was wearing Scott's shirt. Now I just had to find him. I did not know where to go, but I hoped my instincts I had in the jungle would work here too. I was scared, and didn't know what to do. But I was sure about one thing. I was going to find Scott.

There is only one place Mitch would go. The hospital. I got my car and hoped I would arrive there before him, or find him along the way. Scott is all he wants right now and I understand that, but at least let me help him!

I was staring out my hospital window when I saw a car driving towards the building. I looked, then realized it was Kirstie's car. Was Mitch coming? I sat up straight and looked if he was coming. I was disappointed and a little scared when only Kirstie got out and ran towards the hospital. It would probably be difficult for her to get in, but there was no time for difficult. This meant there was something wrong with Mitch.

I sprinted towards the hospital and after a long, desperate plea on how it was an emergency they finally let me in. I ran to Scott's room as fast as I could, only to find him with a worried look. The first thing he said when he saw me: "Where is Mitch?"

I had finally found my way to the park. I ran around it and shortly after that I found the cafe where it all happened. I do not know what happened, but suddenly I saw it all flashing before my eyes. I saw Scott lying on the ground and Travis pulled me away from him. I was scared and had no more control over my body. I fell on the ground and covered my ears when all I heard was the honking of cars.

Scott was pacing around the room nervously as I tried to get him to lie down again. "Calm down, Scott! If you don't rest it will take even longer for you to get home." This only resulted in him snapping at me. "What's the point of going home if Mitch isn't there? And what if he's home and dead scared because you aren't there! I never should've gone to this damn hospital!" He was raging, but got interrupted by a doctor who came rushing in. "Scott? Scott Hoying? You need to come with me immediately."

I didn't know why he was so serious, but what I did know that I was coming with him as fast as I could and most of that time wondering why he didn't say anything and why he didn't walk any faster. We stopped at a room and he walked in before me. What I saw there shocked me beyond all reason. Mitch was lying there, unconscious and with an oxygen mask. I ran towards him and fell on my knees next to the bed. "What happened?" I asked. "We found him on the streets. He was ice-cold and having a panic attack. Consider yourself lucky he wore a shirt with your name tag. When we tried to take him he kept screaming a name and that we should let him go. Well, more that that guy should let him go, until he passed out. Do you know a certain Travis?" I looked up. Yes, Travis I knew. It was the guy Mitch went out with. And now he was laying here, unconscious. Why, oh why hadn't I been there for him. I started crying and the doctor left me alone.

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