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She wasn't born

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She wasn't born. She was bred.

Spawn of the strongest, most loyal soldier of HYDRA and his wife, the most beautiful and intelligent woman in the organization.

It wasn't their choice to have her. It was their mission.

Their higher-ups convinced them that it was their honor, and as brainwashed henchmen, they believed it.

It was their honor to create HYDRA's next asset.

Her life was planned out for her before her conception.

Her entire life was a mission.

Not even an hour after she was born, she was injected with the chemically enhanced blood of HYDRA's other key asset: The Winter Soldier.

Now they both had the serum pumping through their veins. Together, they were more valuable than the mother country herself.

She hadn't even begun to utter her first words before she was shipped off to the Red Room.

When she was young, she didn't understand that it was training. To her, it was just growing up.

Her chemical enhancements put her at the top of her class. She was the most beautiful, most physically capable, most intelligent, most brutal.

At her graduation ceremony, she watched blankly as girl after girl went into the operating room.

She knew what was coming next. She was ready to fulfill her duty to Russia and to HYDRA.

But they didn't sterilize her. They said that it was her duty to repopulate the planet with perfect soldiers.

Scientists at HYDRA believed that her enhancements paired with that of the Winter Soldier would create an army of purebred super soldiers.

And she happily complied.

When she wasn't in the lab undergoing endless tests and having eggs extracted, she was in the field, doing everyone else's dirty work, fighting the fights no one else was willing to fight, killing the people no one else was able to kill.

And she happily complied.

There was no need to brainwash her because all she knew was her mission-- HYDRA's mission.

But then came a kill order. It wasn't anything new. It was an ordinary job, but the victim was an extraordinary woman.

A peer, a classmate, an equal.

The two women stood before each other, each ordered to kill the other.

But no matter how hard they tried, they were equals. Neither could beat the other.

The redhead took the girl back to America, to an organization dubbed SHIELD.

FINISHED: ______________

Hiraeth ☞ s. rogersWhere stories live. Discover now