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"What do you mean you've been keeping tabs on the kid?" Steve huffed quietly, leaning his hands forward onto the desk. Elizabeth's eyes darted to the team, who was sleeping on the floor around the pair.
"I don't trust Tony right now. That kid-- he's got something special. I don't want Tony to screw him over," Elizabeth said firmly, crossing her arms across her chest.
"You're an international criminal. They will shoot you on sight," Steve argued, pleading with her not to go.
"What's new?" Elizabeth scoffed.
"Liz, we're in hiding for a reason. Until we can find somewhere safe to--" Steve sighed.
"Hey, I've almost got us a ticket out. You and I can get out of the country. We can get new identities. We can have a fresh start. Maybe I'll dye my hair and maybe you'll grow a beard and we can get out of here-- and maybe someday, we'll go pick up James and we can all move somewhere nice-- maybe somewhere tropical-- or we can get a nice farm somewhere remote. I don't know yet. We can't run forever," Elizabeth pleaded.
"You're not going," Steve sighed definitively.
"Are you saying that as my boss or as my-- my-- well, whatever we are now?" Elizabeth asked, raising her eyebrows at him.
"First off, I'm your boyfriend. Second off, you're not going," Steve repeated. Elizabeth scoffed quietly, shaking her head gently, trying not to crack a small smile.
"If we weren't together would you still tell me not to go?" Elizabeth asked.
"Yes," Steve said firmly.
"And if we weren't together, I would still go anyway," Elizabeth shrugged, strapping on her gun.
"Liz--" Steve argued, knowing there was no way to stop her.
"I'm going," Elizabeth interrupted.
"I know," Steve sighed, wrapping his hand around hers.
"I'm coming with you," Steve added.
"I've got to go solo on this one. Besides, I wouldn't've taken you before, and I'm not taking you now," Elizabeth protested.
"Fine. If you're not back in four days, I'm coming after you," Steve sighed.
"I'd expect nothing less, Cap," Elizabeth chuckled, pecking him quickly on the lips as she threw a duffel bag over her shoulder.