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It's amazing how technology has gotten so far, but it's taking over the majority of our lives. It's bad and it needs to stop, but we can't. We're addicted to the blue screens. Majority of us would rather post selfie's, "inspirational quotes" and everything that's happening in our lives from the happiest to the saddest and to the scariest.

Likes and reposts matter more to us than our friendships and families.

I don't like that, I'm one of the few that would rather talk to my friends face-to-face but they're all invested in their machines. They talk about what they're doing on social media and how much likes and reposts they got.  That's how much they care about their social media life than reality. It seems reality doesn't appeal to us anymore. 

However, I'm a hypocrite. I do all of those things. I ignore reality, I focus on what's on the screen.

I've noticed that my generation and the generation below us get bored, we get bored because we've been affected by the technology and the Internet that's been given to us. We've been stimulated too much to take everything for granted.

I'm not bashing on everything that's to do with technology because it's helped us with illnesses but phones, Internet, social media, they've all robbed our time with reality.

Dating, family and friends. They are no longer cherished. We are not getting any younger. Our life goes by quickly and we're becoming more zombie like. 

Apathy is more likely, empathy and sympathy is less likely in reality, we feel more emotions about a character on TV than we do for our relationships. That's how I feel anyway.

I will learn to cherish the memories and the people I have with me right now and I think you should do if you already haven't.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2017 ⏰

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