How To Annoy Draco Malfoy (100 ways)

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1. Call him Blondie.

2. Draw a scar on his head with a red permanent marker while he is asleep.

3.Then call him scar head all day (or until it washes off)

4.Dye his robes pink or if you're feeling creative try to do rainbow.

5. Spread rumours about him and Snape (or insert character name here)

6. Give him a hug.

7. Call him Ferret boy.

8.Tell him to try out for the Chudley Cannons.

9. When you see Draco , sing to the tune of “Weasley is our King”:
Lucius is in jail!
Lucius is in jail!
He didn’t get the Pro-phe-cy!
Lucius is in jail! 

10. Tell him that Voldemort is only half-blood.

11. Call him names his Mother might call him, like Drakey-poo

12. Constantly remind him that he might be doing things Muggles enjoy.

13. Tape CD player headphones to his ear, tie his hands around his back, and make him listen to Muggle music to the point that he can't get it out of his head until hours after the headphones are off

14. Constantly remind him of Harry's and Dumbledore's achievements, and then remind him of Voldemort's and Lucius' failures

15. Spread rumours about Narcissa and a Weasley (your pick) or Lucius and a Muggle born.

16. Talk about how much cuter Harry and Ron are than he is

17. Steal his journal (if he has one), make copies, and give them to everybody at Hogwarts, the Order, the Ministry, and the Death Eaters

18. Curse his robes so they have the Gryffindor colours

19. Ask him 'boxers or briefs?'

20. Put a hex me sign on his back.

21. Ask him how to get to Azkaban.

22. Give him one of Fred and Georges wands that turn into rubber chickens and try to get him to curse you.

23. Tell him Santa Claus won't give him any presents because he's been a bad little boy.

24. Whack him using a rolled newspaper

25. Knit him a Weasley jumper

26. Ask him where his Dad is these days

27. Buy him a I love HP shirt

28. Ask him, with tears in your eyes, why he never wears it

29. Blow him kisses from across the room

30. Buy him a pet ferret

31. Tell him that he has a secret admirer in Gryffindor, then tell him their initials are H.P

32. Tell him that Pansy has a Muggle Lover t-shirt that she secretly wears

33. Tell him that he's related to Hagrid

34. Jump on his back whenever you see him.

35. Tell him his shoe is untied, then jump on again.

36. Drop your pencil, and jump on AGAIN.

37. Pretty much just jump on all the time.

38. Poke him all day and shout bother when you poke him

39. Get him a Hippogriff stuffed animals for Christmas

40. Call him Drakey-poo

41. Ask him, in front of his parents, when he's going to pop the question to Harry.

42. Remind him that he was punched my a Muggle-born....ALL THE TIME.

43. INSIST that you go to get your hair bleached together.

44. Ask how often he gets a manicure.

45. Ask him a trick question in order to get him to say he thinks Snape is Sexy

46. Tell and laugh WAY too loudly at really cheesy knock knock jokes

47. Talk the House Elves into serving him nothing but vegetables so "he'll grow up big and strong"

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