Chapter Two

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I woke to the daylight streaming in through my pathetic curtains. That was one thing I didn’t miss about this room. So much so that the curtains in my New York apartment were probably the most expensive thing I owned. My phone buzzed on my bedside table, I looked at the screen, and as my first day off there couldn’t be anything better than a call from work. I sat up straight and leant my head on the purple coloured wall. I knocked one of the many pictures stuck above my head and it floated down and landed in front of me. I quickly turned it upside down and answered the call.
“You’re speaking with Adelaide Hudson,” I spoke with all the professionalism I had this early in the morning.
“We need the files for the case you finished last week, there seems to be some mix up with legal names,” My boss sounded a bit frazzled and in her tone of voice I could hear her pleading.
I hadn’t had a day off work since I started as a graduate, I guess this holiday wasn’t just a change for me.
“Marisha, just give me the details and I’ll handle it all from here, in fact if there are any other jobs you need me to do, just email it through.” I could hear her sigh of relief, “Let’s just call this a working holiday.”

The firm’s reputation took a hit when I first started, and to be honest it was because of me. The firm was known for only hiring graduates out of Harvard, however my excellent grades and the fact that I graduated first in my class at Yale, changed their mind. It took a few months for the frim to regain its status, and since it had we’ve been run off our feet.

I hopped out of bed, grabbed my dressing gown and laptop, and I trooped downstairs. I wander around the kitchen in search of the coffee pot that had moved from it’s original spot. When I finally find it, I turn it on, and set up my work on the breakfast bar. Not much past 7, I heard the sound of small girls racing down the steps. They stopped at the sight of me, although I couldn’t tell them apart by looks one was more courageous than the other.
“What are you doing?” Either Madison or Avery asked me.
I smiled, “I’m working.”
The girl frowned, “But it’s the holidays. Mummy and Daddy aren’t working,” She said her words as clear as day. I knelt down to her height, “Some people’s work doesn’t stop for holidays.”  I said this even though I knew that I could have well stopped.
“Avery and I wanted you to play with us though,” She didn’t beg with her words but with her eyes, yet I still turned her down, even with Avery standing behind her twin nodding her head.

I was on my way to the best place I knew for a quiet space, my scarf was pulled tight around my neck and I hugged my laptop to my chest. I had slipped out the door, just as my mother and Mark walked down the steps. I’d left a note saying that I would be out for a bit, in no way did I want to stick around to see their family routine for their holidays. Now, I was walking up to Raphael’s Coffee, and I grinned at the good memories it brought back, of my best friend and a few of my older brothers friends all hanging out here after school. I opened the door and found a spot in the corner, right beside a big Christmas tree. I looked around to see what had changed, barely anything I noted, but it wasn’t in the creepy way that my room had been left. Instead, the couches were a little more worn, and the flowers in the vases had been changed to Christmas Lillies. I sighed with relief and opened my email to see what had changed with my client’s case.


We have found that your client has been using a false name, in order to avoid bad publicity.
As we have realised this isn’t as simple as we first thought. Mathew Evans, is actually Tristan Evans, from I hear a popular band. And we have also found out the other man in the fight, Jerome Smith is actually Mr Evans band mate, James Mcvey. Mr Mcvey has also changed his mind and is not accepting the deal, he wants Mr Evans to be charged with assault, from the punch up in a London bar 2 months ago. However, this is to be kept under wraps, both want to keep this from the media.

Find all the details in the attachments.


I gasped, but quickly covered my mouth, The Vamps was that so called popular band. James Mcvey. Tristan Evans. Connor Ball. And… Brad.

I spent the next half an hour trying to get my head around it, and then an hour figuring out how I was going to sort the paper work. No wonder I never got to meet Matthew Evans in person. I laughed at how unreal this felt, as I was packing up my work and heading out of the café. I turned around and that’s when I noticed a head of brown curls disappear past the café. But it couldn’t be him. This case has just made me delusional, I told myself. It was not my Bradley Simpson. It couldn’t be.

Enjoy! And please comment, I always want to know what you think!

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