Chapter Seven

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I took my sweet time getting down stairs, to where Brad waited for me. My room was an absolute mess of tears and old pictures, the emotion from each picture had seeped into me and I struggled to calm myself. I trooped down the carpeted stairs and dawdled over to where Brad sat with Avery on his lap. Avery was grinning as she spoke as enthusiastically as Madison usually did. Her outgoing spirit was brought out in Brad's presence. It hit me hard in the chest how much of a stranger I was to her, and although that was the same for Madison, it was Avery that would barely speak a word to me. Madison on the other hand clutched the photograph of Brad to her chest - as if it was a soft toy - that needed to be cuddled. I watched the situation unfold as Brad noticed Madison holding onto something for dear life.
"What have you got there Madison?" Brad asked not realising I had emerged from my cave.
I gasped not wanting her to reveal the picture, it would only pose more questions. Questions that I didn't need.
"Hey Madison, that's our little secret okay?" I winked at her.
"But its Bear?" She asked, confused. Brad turned to look at me a twinkle in his eye and I gave him a sheepish look in return. Madison took my facial expression to be a yes and she crossed the faded carpet in three quick steps, gingerly she took the photo and handed it to Brad. He thanked her and I watched to spot any flicker of emotion at the image. I didn't know if he remembered that day at all, let alone that exact picture that was one of the many I had shown him after the football game. However, I remember clearly how uncomfortable and embarrassed he was with the fact that I had captured him in his happy place. I chuckled to myself, realising how trivial photos of himself must be now. Now they are everywhere; now that he is a popstar.
The girls ran off to the sound of Mum's voice, and that's when Brad stood and glanced up from the photo. He took one step instead of Madison's three and then there he was, in my general vicinity.
"You still have this?" He shook his head in disbelief and his curls bounced and fell over one of his beautiful brown eyes. I found myself wanting to reach for them, but I retained my composure. I remember running my hands through them at one point in my life and I think this is what made me so closed off.
I looked to the ground clearly uncomfortable with the truth of why I found the photo.
"More like I left it here in Birmingham," I said without realising the bluntness of the statement.
Disappointment flashed on his face, but it is gone before I registered what happened. Somehow, I felt a little pleased that he hoped I had taken the photo with me to New York.
He blinked and changed the subject, clearly unsure of what to say, "I have something for you," he admitted, as he reached into the back pocket of his black skinny jeans.
He reveals two tickets to a concert and when I glance closer I realise it is for The Vamps.
"Tris feels really bad about our meeting and wanted me to give these to you," He paused and put them in my hand, "I didn't tell him everything, but he understands. As much as Tris can." He chuckled nervously, and his eyes wandered around the room and looked at everything but me.
"Tris wants me to come?" I asked, sceptical.
"I want you to come too," he clarified and ran a hand through his brown curls.
My heart swelled and if I could have clutched it, just to stop the thudding in my chest, I would have.
I looked at the two tickets in my hand. I barely had a friend in Brad, let alone another to take to his concert.
"Thank you, but I don't have anyone to go with, so maybe you can give these to someone else?" I paused, "I'm sure you have some devoted fans that would love these," I smiled and tried to pass them back.
His smile faltered and hurt showed so blatantly on his face.
"You do have someone to go with. You just need to get the guts to go and talk to her," He didn't smile, "You hurt a lot of people here," He spoke this last part with gritted teeth, as if he was fighting with himself about whether to say it or not. I would have apricated it if he hadn't said it; if he hadn't given me these tickets at all.
"Talk to her, or don't. Come to the concert or don't. Just don't blame me if you are lonely for the rest of your life." He turned his back to me, but I still saw the indignant look on his face before he marched himself out of my house.

"To hell with the concert," I whispered to myself, as I stood in the driveway of Marleen's house. I had spent the last five staring at the pile of mail that lay on her very faded welcome mat. "Adelaide?" a voice sounded behind me and I spun around so quickly I nearly fell over.
"Marleen!" I said slightly stunned, even though I was standing outside of her house.
She stood merely ten metres away with two grocery bags in hand, her pink hair was long gone and dirty blonde waves replaced it. It seemed my surprise return had both of us in disbelief, and it took her a few seconds to gather the courage to walk onto her own porch. I watched her as she put her bags down and pulled out her key. As she opened the door and as she picked up the mail and the bags. I stood at the bottom of the stairs, coming to terms with what I was here for. Was I going to just pretend like I hadn't been gone for 6 years? Was I supposed to apologize that she got caught in the crossfire? I shook my head fighting myself on every aspect of this situation.
"Well, are you coming in?" She called, holding the door open. The bags were nowhere in sight so I assumed that I had been standing in her driveway for a good part of time.
"Hi," I said as I made it into her home. It was nothing like her parents' home, where all the walls were blank, except for the odd rigid family picture. Her home was purely hers, there were photographs covering every free space on the very brightly coloured walls. I noticed a guy that was repetitively in photos, I also noticed she had finally gotten the puppy she always wanted. I followed her through the living room to the kitchen, where I sat down on one of three orange barstools. Marleen put the kettle on and then turned to me, a question in her eyes.
"How are you?" I asked giving her a sheepish smile.
"Tea?" She asked, reaching for two tea bags.
Silence hung in the air for what felt like years when she finally spoke.
"I wondered if you would even come to see me, or If you would be in and out of this town like we were all contagious." She poured our hot water into our mugs and passed one to me.
I took a tentative sip and the familiar taste of vanilla swirled through the black tea.
"My favourite," I whispered, trying to savour the taste.
"Our favourite."
I blushed and sipped my tea.
"Well?" She questioned, "Haven't you got anything to say to me? Where has the headstrong lawyer gone? Not that I ever met the lawyer," She said bluntly.
"I'm sorry," I set my tea down and glanced at her, "I didn't mean to leave you behind."
"Well you did," Marleen said bluntly, staring me down with her piercing green eyes.
"You seem to have done well for yourself without me," I say gesturing to the awards for best photography, and to her business logo.
"Dammit Ads, we were best friends. I did not think that a bloody boy would come in between us. I thought it was us against the world. When you ran away from him, I didn't think you would run away from me too." She sighed, clearly exasperated.
I tried to hide my smile, but failed and I started laughing.
"What the hell?" She looked so angry that it just made me laugh even more.
"You don't understand how much I have missed your fiery personality."
Her anger faltered and she just stood there staring at me numbly.
I rounded the bench where she stood and enveloped her in a hug, "I missed you every single day."
She gripped onto me so tight and we both fell to her tile floor, "Well why didn't you just call."
"Because I'm a freaking wimp."
She laughed sniffling a little, as we sat on her kitchen floor holding onto each other, both nearly in tears.
"Also, do you want to come to a concert with me?" I asked.
"What? Where did that come from?" She chuckled
"Umm..." I trailed off, "It's kind of The Vamps concert."
She whipped her head back and looked at me, "As in Brad lead singer of The Vamps?" She asked and I nodded, "You want to go to that?"
"He asked me to go..." I said awkwardly.
"WHAT!!!??" She screamed, "We seriously have some catching up to do."
"Yeah I was wondering why your hair isn't pink anymore," I chuckled as she sat there wide-eyed.


Hey guys!
I Know it has taken me so long to finally post this chapter and I am so sorry!
But I hope you like it! And if you do comment and vote <3

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2017 ⏰

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