Blood, Medication and Piss

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The three stenches that Ethan knows all too well. The medication for his seizures hasn't been working, his levels are everywhere and his boyfriend isn't cuddling him. To say the least, Ethan wasn't to satisfied with the world right now.

He peeled open his eyes and looked around. Tyler was on his phone on his left side, holding his hand, his mom and dad were chatting anxiously in the corner and his sister was asleep in the chair next to Tyler.

Ethan squeezed Tyler's hand and smiled.
"Hey babe," he croaked. His head began to ache and the anti-seizure drug was attached via an IV, which couldn't have been helping his headache.

"Ethan!" His mom squeaked, racing to his sons bedside. The hospital bed creaked as he sat up carefully.
"Hey Mom," he whispered, smiling.
"Oh honey, they'll be letting us know later when you can go home." She says, looking over her son.

Tyler kissed Ethan's cheek and stood up.
"Babe, I gotta go to school now, okay? I'll be right back here with you after," he promises, kissing Ethan's blue hair before leaving the room slowly.

He watched his boyfriend leave sadly before continuing his chat with his mom. A nurse came in, holding a black clipboard.
"Ethan, do you know where you are right now?" She asked in a soft voice.
"Salt City Hospital," he said, sniffling a bit. After a few more questions, she left.

His mom sighed and sat down in Tyler's old chair. The chair creaked as she sat down and his sister woke up.
"Hm? Ethan, you're awake! How are you?" She asks, standing up and stretching.

"Been better," he replied, turning to the cabinet beside his bed and grabbing his laptop. He picked up the headphones beside his phone, carefully untangling them and plugging them in. He opened YouTube, searching up his favourite Youtuber and watching through a few videos.

He looked up as a nurse entered the room, taking his parents out leaving him with his sister. He turned off his laptop and set it down beside him and watched her smile at her phone.

"How's the boyfriend going Ella?" He asks, teasing her slightly. She blushed and teasingly slapped his shoulder.
"Shut up you idiot." She laughed before smiling at her phone again.

At this point his parents had returned with some of Ethan's clothes. He sat up and looked at his parents. His mom cleared her threat and begun to speak.
"Ethan, they are letting you go but their making you take more meds to keep your levels in order and we're moving from sodium valproate to carbamazepine." His mom finished and he nodded in understanding. He grabbed his clothes and with wobbly legs.

They had gotten his new medications and a script before leaving the grubby hospital.
Hope y'all are enjoying it so far!! Shoutout to all the people in my Discord Tythan group you guys are the bomb!

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