Drawn Curtains & Fingers

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Ethan had managed to fall asleep as soon as he touched the soft bedsheets of his own bed. He cuddled up and relished the feeling of the softer blankets, hospital blankets were always thin and scratchy. His curtains were drawn not allowing the beaming sun to hit Ethan as his eyes drooped until he fell asleep.

He woke up with a surrounding warmth against his back, a heavy arm draped around his waist like he was a teddy bear. Ethan's blue hair was everywhere and his head was pounding like someone had punched his brain. He turned over slightly, feeling the silky sheets against his side.

He faced Tyler who had a slight smile on his face. His face was pressed against Tyler's muscular chest making him smile as he pushed his head further into his chest. He felt Tyler's breath quicken as his breathing became faster.

Tyler looked down at his boyfriend who was smiling against his chest. His arm tightened around Ethan as he pulled him tighter against his warm chest. His head found a home resting on top of Ethan's messy blue hair.
"Babe? You awake?" He asks softly, his voice croaky and deep, having just woken up.

Ethan nodded and reached behind him for Tyler's hand. His hands were rough in comparison to Ethan's soft ones and his digits were large compared to Ethan's small delicate ones.

He began to play with Tyler's fingers, lacing them with his own. Tyler watched his boyfriend closely with a light smile on his face.

Ethan always got like this when he gets back from hospital, a bit clingy and loopy. Tyler loved it really, despite the fact his boyfriend was in pain, it was quite adorable

Ethan brought their hands to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to them. Tyler would be lying if he said that he wasn't slightly turned on by it. Ethan wrapped himself back up in Tyler's arms, letting Tyler play with the hair on the back of his head.

Ethan drifted off to sleep, Tyler's soft touches making him feel warm. Once his breathing had shallowed, Tyler burrowed even deeper into Ethan's sheet. He remembered what Ethan's sister said before letting him in,
"Don't hurt my brother, Tyler. You're the only one he trusts and who knows what he will do if you aren't here."
What else was wrong with the perfect boy in his arms?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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