Chapter Two

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I woke up to music blaring in my ear.

"Waky waky, sleepy head!" I heard Stan yell from beside me. I shot up in bed and once I pieced together what was going on I turned and glared at Stan. He was fully dressed in the coat, gloves, boots, and hat he was wearing yesterday.

"G-Get. Out." I growled. He did an evil smirk then replied:

"Lighten up, I was just trying to help! Its not like you were going to wake up on time for the first day. Plus, your my cousin, I'm suppose to scare you."

"Fine, j-just get o-out. I'll be out in a-a second."

"Ok, be ready to meet some random peps."

"Ok, I-I will." I said as he walked out. I then walked to the closet, that I had unpacked all of my clothes last night, and changed into my Plain black T-shirt and put on my huge gray and white Jacket. Plus my brown curly hair that peeked out of the hood. I went down stairs with my back pack to see Stan tapping his foot impatiently by the door.

"You ready now? Yes? Lets go!" He said as he walked out the open door. I walked after him and down to the bus stop. There was three other Guys there, they looked our age. We both walked up and Stan introduced us.

"Hey guys! This is my cousin." He started. "Her name is Carrie."

"Hi" They all said.

"Hi" I said back. Then Stan turned to me.

"And, this is Cartman*Pointing to the fat guy* Kyle*Points to the one who looks jewish.* And Kenny. *Then Points to the one with the blond hair tuffs coming out of his hood and his mouth covered with the neck.*" Stan then finishes with. "Welcome to South Park!" I then looked back at the group.

"She's kind of hot..." Cartman said.

"What the hell, Cartman! She's my cousin!" Stan yelled.

"So, its not like she looks anything like you!" He said back.

"Oh, whatever..." Stan gave up.

"Well, Hi, sorry about them. They can be really weird." Kyle said, sticking out his hand so I can shake it. I shook it and smiled.

"I-Its ok. I survived a n-night of Stan, didn't I?" I said.

"Yah." He said.I starred at Kenny who was standing next to the stop sign.

"H-Hi" I heard him muffle from under his hood. Sorry to disappoint you but, I didn't really like any of them. They were guys, I hang out with guys. They're better than girls anyway. Girls do to much Judging.

"So, How about the plane ride? did anything happen?" Kyle asked.

"No." I replied, "N-not really."

Then Stan started to talk about random stuffs. I didn't really get along with them that well, I guess I'm just socially awkward.... Anyway, the bus came shortly afterwards and we all got on. Stan was still talking with Kyle and Cartman about the what ever. I zoned out as I stared out of the window.

"Hi." Kenny muffled beside me. I turned and saw him sit next to me. "Have you ever heard of Creepypasta?"

"No," I said. "W-What is that?"

"Oh, well, let me explain." He started off. He explained what they were and I automatically fell in love with the creepy pastas. But, we did get along very well. Kyle turned and looked at us. He looked surprised as I asked more and more questions about them and he started to tell the Jeff the killer story. He was reading off of his phone.

"Whoa, guys, look. Kenny is talking!" He said to Cartman and Stan. They both looked and also looked surprised.

"What?" I asked, cutting Kenny off. " S-Sorry Kenny, but, What the-the hell?"

"Oh, sorry. We never see Kenny get this close to someone in about two seconds like this." Stan explained. He then turned and got Cartman and Kyle's attention from us. Kenny continued on with the story. By the time he was done we were pulling into the bus parking lot. He started to tell me what the slender man was when the busses let us all into the school.

"Oh well, I'll tell you later." He said. "I think you would like some of my other friends if you like creepypasta so much. And, face it, I know you know you are nothing like them." He then pointed to Cartman, Stan and Kyle who were walking behind us. "Follow me." We then entered into the gym where a lot of other people where waiting to be let out to go to there classes. This was a lot like my old school. I then followed him across the gym as the three other guys sat down on the front row of the bleachers. He then stopped in front of four boys. One had a blue hat, another had spikey hair and a bottle of hot coffee, the third one was black and the fourth had brown hair. (A/N: No offence to black people every where!)

"Hi," I said.

"Hello?" The one with the blue hat said. I smiled hesitantly at him but he just looked at Kenny. "Why the hell are you here. Who is she?"

"She's Stan's cousin and I thought you guys would like her." He said. The Blue hat then looked back at me.

" What's your name?" He asked with a straight face.

"M-My name is Carrie." I said back. "what's yours?" He then Lightned up.

"The names Craig." He said. "This is Tweek, Token, and Clyde." He pointed to each one as he said each of there names.

"H-Hi..." Tweek said as he took a sip of his coffee. He twitched a little as he did so.

"Hello!" Both Clyde and Token said in unison. I slightly smiled at all of them. Tweek slightly smiled back but, everyone was facing towards me so no one really Noticed.

" So, Can She hang with you guys?" Kenny Asked. Turning back to the group. "I mean I think she would fit in a lot with you guys."

"What do you guys think?" Craig asked Turning to the group also.

"Sure, We can hang out." Clyde said. "As long as she's fine with Taco's!"

"I c-can like tacos..." I said quietly.

"I like her." Token said. Everyone then turned to Tweek.

"I-I G-guess......Gah! Y-Yes......" He said. Shaking violently. Everyone ignored it as if it happened all the time, and turned to me.

"So?" Kenny asked.

"Fine." Craig excepted. He then patted a seat next to him I gladly took it. I then heard Stan calling Kenny.

"I got to go, See you later!" He said as he ran towards the other group. I starred back at the new group and shyly smiled as they all starred back at me.


Thanks for reading! hope you have a great day! Picture of Stan and his friends in the Multimedia!

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