Chapter Four

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((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Carrie's P.O.V.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I finally got my schedule after like fifteen minutes and went to go find my class. I went down out to the trailers because the whole ninth grade was in them. I couldn't believe that part. Even if its snowing we had to be out here. AHG! Anyway, I finally found my class's trailer and walked in. They were in the middle of a lesson so I quickly sat down. I looked around and saw that everyone had out there notebooks taking notes, so I started to do the same.

After the we put away all of our things and were getting ready to go to our next class the teacher called 'The new student' up to the front of the class room. She explained why she didn't introduces me earlier, because she didn't want to stop in the middle of the lesson to do so, and she introduced me. After that class I went to my next one who had Clyde in it. I sat near him and He said 'Hi' and I said 'Hi' but we soon shut up so the teacher could introduce me and we started the class. The same was with all the other classes. Talk with Clyde, then Token, then Exchanged glances with Tweek and then My last class was with Token and Clyde. But, I didn't see Craig except for seeing him outside a couple of times while changing classes. Finally it was time for lunch and it was right after study hall. The teacher let us out and every one rushed to lunch. I walked into the lunch room and looked for Tweek with my lunch money in hand. I didn't see him so I made my way to Clyde.

"H-Have you se-en T-Tweek anywhere?" I asked as I sat down next to him.

"Well, he usually sits with us at lunch so, don't worry, he'll come." He said.

"Ok...." I said back.

"By the way, what's with you and Tweek?" He asked.

"W-What do y-you me-an?" I asked.

"Well, you guys seem to have a connection, I guess you could say. I could see it in your eyes when you were starring at him. Same thing with him starring at you. He never ever, does that with anyone else. Your really special." He explained. "Do you like him?" He brightened up rapidly and smiled wide. "YOU DO!!!!!"

"I-I.......Uh...." My eyes widened and I desperately tried to stop him from yelling it out to the world. "N-No....I....I......Don't"

"Yes you do! You like..." He tried to yell but, I didn't mean to but, I slapped him. I think was hard because the sound of it bounced off of the walls of the lunch room and everyone in there grew silent.

"Oh m-my g-god, I-I am s-so so so sorry!" I said trying to make up for what I did. " I didn't mean to..."

"I-Its ok. Its fine, I went to far..." He said.

"I'm s-so sorry." I felt tears at my eyes as I tried to make it better. I'm very sensitive and I just cried when ever I did something wrong.

"A-Are you ok?" I heard Tweek behind me as I started to cry. He set down his lunch tray as he sat down beside me.

"I-I d-didn't m-mean to...." I stuttered. Tweek pulled me into a hug and stroked my hair. I didn't mean to.....

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Clyde's P.O.V.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I stood there gapping at Tweek as he pulled Carrie into a hug. What the hell? First off, TWEEK JUST HUGGED SOMEONE!!!!!!! AND HE JUST LITTERELY MET HER!!!!!!! Second off, I said it was ok, It truly wasn't her fault.Third of all, TWEEK JUST HUGGED SOMEONE!!!!!!!!! HE JUST MET HER!!!!!!!!!

"What the hell?" I heard Craig sit behind me. "Why is she crying and Tweek hugging her?!"

"I'm still trying to piece together what just happened....." I replied. Tweek glared at us then widened his eyes at what he just did. He pulled away and starred at Carrie.

"Uh.............W-What hap-ppend?" He asked, swallowing.

"I-I sm-smacked C-Clyde....." She said pointing at me. "I-I d-didn't *Breath* M-Mean to...."

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Tweek's P.O.V.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

It broke my heart to see her cry..... I starred at Clyde.

"Ack! W-What d-did you d-do to her?!" I yelled. Clyde stared at me bewildered.

"I-I didn't do anything!" He yelled back. I don't know what came over me but, I was pissed. "I only said that it wasn't her fault, that's all."

"I-I mean, W-Why did Sh-She smack y-you? What d-did y-you d-do?" I asked calmer.

"I......" He then stole a glance at Carrie and I looked at her to. "I t-touched her...... accidentally!"

Carrie looked up and sniffed, and stopped crying.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Carrie's P.O.V.))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I starred at Clyde, I can't believe he did that for me, I guess he is a great friend. I was the one in the wrong for slapping him. Clyde starred at me with sympathetic eyes. I shouldn't have done that....

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