Chapter Three

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"So, why are you here? I mean..*Cough, cough*... where did you come from?" Token asked me.

"What the hell?" Craig asked Token looking at him.

"Well, its not like anyone else would say anything!" He said. Then Craig flipped him of. I flinched at him doing so, surprised.

"Sorry about Craig, he can get mad. Plus, he's famous for flipping people off, its normal for him." Clyde chipped in while Craig was still flipping Token off.

"Anyway, so you were saying?" Token asked.

"Oh, u-um, I fl-lew here..." I replied. Then Clyde smiled widely.

"Your a wizard, too!?" He asked excitedly.

"N-No, I'm a-a human." I said shyly. "Your a w-wizard?"

"She meant by plan you idiot!" Craig snapped and hit Clyde upside to head.

"Y-Yeah, b-by plane." I said after him. Tweek then looked at me leaning over from behind Craig to do so.

"Yeah! I'm a wizard! And I can prove it!" Clyde said more excitedly.

"And, I can verify it!" Token said.

"I-If you can prove it... t-the-en Ahg! T-Then why would Y-you need to Ve-r-rify... Gah! V-Verify it?" He asked.

"Oh, whatever! Anyway, why did you move in with Stan?" Clyde asked.

"M-My parents are g-going on a cruise in the C-Caribbean." I answered him.

"Whoa! Your parents must be rich." Token exclaimed.

"T-They are...But, I b-barley get to see them. I don't like bei-ing r-rich." I said.

"But, if you are rich, then why isn't Stan?" He asked.

"I don't know..." I said.

"Stop asking so many questions!" Craig yelled. Everyone went silent around him. Why is HE so mad? I mean, I don't mind but, they're asking ME the questions.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Tweek's P.O.V.)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I watched as Craig bursted. It happens a lot actually. I don't know why but, he is always grumpy. I was as Carrie quickly grew silent and starred at Craig in a scared expression. I felt really bad for her. I wonder if she has the same problem that I have. something deep inside my mind said to say something or do something for her. so I did. I stood and went and sat next to Carrie.

"U-Um, Hi." I said. "Craig does tha-at a lot, its o-ok. Y-You will G-Get use t-to it...." Sitting near her, I didn't really shake as much as I usually do, and I could feel everyone in the group starring at me. I started to shake a little more and she grew more comfortable and not as scared.

"O-Ok, th-thanks...." She replied. I continued to stare at her and started to get this weird feeling in my chest, but, I ignored it. I then quickly looked at the ground. I'm not usually this close to someone I just met, but, something about her, it was different than other people. Then the bell rang and everyone stood and hurried to there lockers. The group quickly left us behind. We both stood in unison. It was a weird connection.

"W-What's your f-first cl-lass?" I asked. "I m-mite can w-walk you t-there." she slowly nodded but then shook her head back and fourth closing her eyes.

"I-I mean...... I mean-nt.... agh.... I-I meant-t, I have to go to th-the front o-office to g-get my sched-dule..." She said. We were both still standing there as people past us.

"O-Oh, well.....I-I can h-help you g-get there..... " I said.

"O-Ok........" She said back. We snapped out of the weird connection thing and I showed her to the office.

"I-I g-got to g-go..." I said once we got there.

"I-I understand....... S-see you at lun-nch?" She asked.

"S-sure." I said lightening up. I then walked out as she asked the receptionist lady about her schedule. I hope we could be good friends and I don't screw it up like I do every other person I meet. I then walked to my first period class.


The picture in multimedia is of Craig's group. There is one more guy in the picture, I don't know who he is but he's not in the group. Anyway, Blue hat= Craig, Black guy=Token, Spiky hair= Tweek, and White skinny guy= Clyde. Thanks for reading.


Plus, Song in multimedia is called 'She's Got Style by Nevershoutnever' Its supposed to be based on how Tweek feels. Thanks for watching!

Coffee Cup(South Park: Tweek Tweak Romance.)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora