Chapter 3: What?!?!

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Sorry for not updating. Let's just get right to the story, it leaves off when Bex confronts Courtney.

The Runaway Returns: My Version

Chapter 3: What?!?!

" Mom, I can tell my real Dad's here by looking at your face."

"What?! No!" Courtney Tryed shrugging it off but in this case Bex was serious.

"Tell Me my Dad's HERE!"She screamed at her, drawing attention as they stepped off the boat.

Scott looked at Courtney, then at Bex.

'Who is that girl?' he thought.


Then he saw her screaming at Courtney. Something about her real Dad being here. Then he noticed The girls Baby Blue eyes and ginger hair.

This was his kid. That 'girl' was talking about him.


~Bex POV~

This guy kept looking at me with a weird face. I wanted to know who and where my dad was, and Courtney wouldn't tell me. I was getting to the point of hitting her in the face!

Then it dawned on me. WHY DIDNT I!? Courtney kept staring at me because I yelled at her. She was about to say something lawyer-ey when-


Chris JR. pulled me off of Courtney. She stood, looked at me, then pointed at the guy who kept looking at me. "Him."

Me and 'Him' looked at eachother at the same time, and yelled in unison, "WHAT?!!!!??!!?"

He sounded just like me. But more of a guy, because, ya'know, I'm not a guy.

I walked over to him, he looked scared and confused. I said sarcastically, "Hey, DAD!" He did what I would've done if I were him. He smirked and said, "Hey, Daughter!"

I could tell he was sad, angry, and confused just by his eyes.

"I know you're INSANELY confused, but did my mom suddenly leave 14 years ago?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?"

"Me. She was probably pregnant with me and ran off. Had to of been."

"She left September of 2013."

"Had Me May of 2014. Not shocking, she must of left the minute she knew."

Bex continued.

Courtney just stood there in front of the both of them. "I'm standing right here, Bex!"

Courtney POV

Bex and Scott looked at Me.

Scott looked hurt. Bad. And it was all my fault.

He finally retorted, "How are you, Runaway! You realize I would've cared for you and her! You didn't need to runaway from me." a single tear ran down his cheek.

"Look, I'm sorry, and you have us now!Chris specifically told me the three of us are a 'family' in this season, even though we are, anyways."

"Good. I want to spend as much time with the both of you as I can. Especially her.", He pointed to Bex.

"I'm Bex, by the way. Short For Becca and Rebecca."

Chris Jr gathered everyone's attention by yelling " HEY! WE NEED FAMILIES FOR THIS, YOU KNOW! NOW LISTEN UP!"


I felt like ending there because this is long enough to write. A long chapter takes about an hour. This, took me about a half hour. So be grateful I updated. Scotney reunites next chapter! And Bex has an eye on someone........


ME ❤️💛💚💙💜

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2014 ⏰

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