30 Day Writing Challenge

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Day 1; Your best friend.


     I was the new kid, in a school where everyone grew up together. We were 12, and from the first day when you came up to me and said 'hi, im kelsey want to sit by me' I knew we would be great friends.Believe it or not, we were completely opposite from each other. We were like fire and ice. You were the cool popular girl, that people looked up to. The girl with the perfect family life. You were a pervert, with a dirty mind. You were the girl that was a friend to everyone, and no matter what stuck up for the people you love.

     I was the shy new girl. The one who no one knew at the time. I was the broken, anti-social girl who had a messed up home-life. And, at the age of twelve, had a bad past. I was a girl with an innocent mind. i used to think 69, was just a number. i had one friend at the time and that was you. i would've never been able to stick up to people the way you did.

You taught me so many things. You taught me to be more outgoing. You taught me to forget about all my problems, and live life to the fullest. You taught me to grow up. To keep my mind 'in the gutter'. You even taught me when its appropriate to cuss. since, i had never cussed a day in my life at the moment. You taught me to always put others before myself, and never back down from my opinion. To state my opinions, and fight for loved ones.

I told you every single problem of mine. From something miniscule, like how i stubbed my toe on a desk. To problems like how i cry myself to sleep, when i think of my fucked up childhood. You helped me get through all of my problems, and never once complained. Even when i would call you at 4;00 A.M. and do nothing but cry into the phone. You would tell me how special i am, and how i shouldnt waste my time crying over stupid bitches.

You were their for every single heartbreak of mine. For every single crush. Every single smile, tear, laugh. You never left my side, we were stuck together like glue.

I remember when i spent a week in the hospital with you, cause you got in that really bad quadding accident. You had to get 19 staples in your head, and you never once complained about the pain. You would tell me to stop crying cause youre alright, then would smile. Although i could see how much pain you were in. When your mom called mine, and my mom told me. I thought you would've died. I was crying and screaming as loud as I can.

Damn, I miss you. After 8 long years together, we never see each other. 'Cause you moved out of state. Even though we still keep in touch, i still miss you. Mitchell isn't a good replacement for you, i can't tell the guys everything. I just want you to know, even though you won't read this. I love you more then anything in the world, and hope to see you again soon. Love ya kelsey!!

Your Bestfriend,


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