Day 2: My Crush

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Day 2:

Dear Bigboy,

I remember the first time I talked to you. It was my first all-nighter on wattpad. I was sick of reading, so i opened up the chat box. Babe, you know im a flirt. So, obviously if i see a username that has the word 'sexy' i would've flirted with you. Plus, you guys are surfers which made it even better. I first creeped on your profile.(; I had to make sure, you guys weren't fake like a whole lot of people on here. I read your about me and liked it. Therefore i chatted you up. Now, after our first conversation I was sure you hated me. Because, you were so distant, and unresponsive. But, like i say alot im a stubborn bitch.(; And, im damn proud of it too! So, I sent you another message the next night. I had to turn on the 'Ash charm' full blast. But, you being you turned on the 'Noah charm', as you like to call it. I couldn' help but think "damn, hes got it going on!(;"From there on, we'd chat almost every night. You would flirt, I would flirt back. Although i do flirt much better then you.(;

My first thoughts of you before we were friends was, hes a player, I mean come on, you remember our conversations? So, how could i not think you werent one. You probably thought bad things about me too! I guess the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' is true, eh? Because, you turned out to be a really good friend. You're honest, and a sweetheart. You have a way of making a girl feel like shes special. You're the kind of guy, a girl would be lucky to call hers. Too bad you're taken now.(;

I don't know when i started liking you? I think it was a little while before you got really mad at me and clo. For pulling your peach(; (the prank). But, after the prank when you found out you made me cry and i was sad. You wouldn't stop apologizing. I fer'sure knew i like you. No! i remember now, i started liking you when you showed how worried you were about me after my accident. Me. A cyberfriend. Not even one that was talking you for a long time, just for like a month. After, everyone who knows you in real life told me how worried you were the whole night. I felt damn special! So, i guess i should thank you? Thanks babe(:

Oh Dear God! That day that i was online drunk, anything that i said was most likely the truth. But, if it was mean, dont blame me! I honestly wasn't ever planning on telling you i liked you. I was just going to do what i usually do, which is not tell you. After i told you i liked you, and you said you liked me back. Babe, you don't know how happy i was. But, the next week when you didn't come on i thought you hated me. Or just didnt want to talk to me. i was wrong. When you came bach on, and acted like nothing happened, i thought you just said you liked me to make me feel better. But, i've learned that you're just a really sensitive person, deep inside. And, don't want your own feelings hurt.Well babe, im glad you finally grew a pair and asked me out. I really liked the two times you asked me out(; they were both really sweet. Anyways, enough of this mushy-gushy stuff and of my lame attempt at actually writing.

Your hoe,


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