Day 3: what is true beauty?

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Day 3: True Beauty is...?

Ever heard that saying "true beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"? Well it's true. True beauty is different to everybody. To superficial people the first thing they might think about is how hot someone is. To me true beauty is in a persons personality. I find confidence in oneself beautiful. I find a great sense of humor beautiful. Heck I'm not going to just pretend that I'm not like those superficial people, cause I am. Who isn't? Our generation of people, first thing they notice about someone is their appearance. And, then they judge their personality. I'm not saying if your pretty or hot you don't have what it takes to truly be beautiful, I'm just saying don't be so quick to judge people on just their appearance.

Alright I'm done with rambling off topic, sorry this kinda sorta sucks.

Stay beautiful,


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