Chapter 1

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It was a normal sunny morning at WWE. All the divas and superstars were doing the usual things they do on weekends. Swimming in the hotel pool,chatting with each other, eating, practicing there moves and finishers, shopping,starting fights, flirting,etc. Louis aka sin cara was, as always, arguing with Chris Jericho.
"If you don't get away from MY table I'll-"
"Put me on your stupid list?"
"That's it you made the list!"
"Called it!"
Sin cara stood up with his hands held in the air." What I tell ya? I made his list."
" weren't you already on the list?" asked lince dorado aka the golden lynx. It was true, sin cara was on the list 12 times.
" Well what do ya know, I am!!"
"Sin cara." Uh oh. Stephanie McMahon's walking towards them. "Hello everyone we have a new superstar with us now." Everyone looked surprised and some divas looked excited." Everyone I would like you to meet kalisto."

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