Chapter 2

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"I would like you to meet Kalisto." Stephanie McMahon announced. Sin cara stared continuously up and down kalisto's body shape. And so he is
Dazzled by kalisto's body, sin Cara was unaware that his name was being called.
"Sin Cara are you listening?" Asked Stephanie.
"Uhhh..." replied Sin Cara.
Crap!!! Thought Sin Cara embarrassed.
" I said  would you show kalisto around." Said Stephanie annoyed.
" uhhh............. sure" sin cara said at last ohh boy this is in the way
Ok sin you got this nows your chance  to get to know your.......................crush
"Ok...F-F-follow me."
Crap !!!!!!!!!!!!! I stuttered!!!!!!! 
Sin cara mentally slapped himself.
"Ok." Kalisto simply said. Sin cara showed kalisto the cafeteria, the pool, the theater, the mall, the best place to get coffee, clubs, the park, the tour buses,"And last but not least the hotel rooms." " Gracias amigo" said kalisto
" de nada." Replied Sin Cara." By the way, which room are you staying in?"
" what's the matter?"
" that' as.......I"
Kalisto hugged sin cara.
Yep in the way

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