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Natalie's pov

We walked over to the food court and saw Cameron and Nash, Son of a spanky!

"Look who's over there" I said looking over to them two standing by GameStop

"Well let's go the other way, we'll eat later they'll probably tell Grayson and you know how jealous he is" he says

"Yeah" I laugh

We walk into Calvin Klein

"Wow it's empty how surprising" I laugh

"Yeah it's always full" Ethan says

We walk towards the clothing section where I chose a white blouse with the words "Calvin Klein" printed onto them as I finished grabbing my items I followed Ethan onto the men's section where he looked around for 5 actual minutes

"Are you serious? We have been in this store and you haven't chose shit" I said

"Uh I was actually waiting for them to leave" he says looking down

"Wow" I rolled my eyes

I walked over to the cash register and placed my shirts on the counter

"Woah woah woah" Ethan says

"Uh what do you think you're doing?" I asked looking at him

"I'm going to pay for your spree just like how you payed for my parents vacation" he said handing the lady his debit card

I take my bag and thank the lady

"Now let's go eat" he says giving me a smile


I get a FaceTime call from Grayson, Ethan and I were eating Chinese food I turned my phone over to show Ethan that he was calling me

"Holy shit" I said

"Uhh answer hurry I'll stay quiet" he said

I click the answer button

"Hey what's up" I smile before I put a spoonful of rice onto my mouth

"Where are you? I need you" he pleases with a smirk

"I'm at the food court I'm buying some things but I'll get there to your house later when I'm done okay?" I asked him a smile

"Ugh ok bye love you I'll be waiting for you" he said

"Bye love you too" I hung up

"Phew" I say

"Well let's talk about what I wanted to talk about" he says putting a piece of chicken onto his mouth

"So I've been thinking about how you, Grayson and I go to six flags?" He asked

"Sure why not" I laughed

"Alright" he said

"Wait so that's why we came to the mall?" I ask

"Yeah" he laughed


We got to their house I got off first and walked inside

"Hey baby" Grayson says opening the door and landing kisses on my neck

"Hey so Netflix and chill kinda night?" I smirk

"Obviously" he says kissing down to my shoulder

"Oh no wait I mean we actually watch Netflix and chill nothing more" I said walking to the basement

"Ugh" he said in a sad way

20 minutes later we hear the door close and watch Ethan come to us with popcorn in his hands I gave Ethan a confused look

"From where did you get popcorn?" I asked

"Ohhh I got the popcorn from your house" he said casually

"How'd you get in there?" Grayson asked

"Oh the key was behind the plant, and well there is no popcorn here so I decided to go check over there"

"Oh god" I say


After watching the movie we weren't tired surprisingly

"Let's do something" I say looking up to Grayson's beautiful face

"Ok babe what what do we do?" He said

"Hide and seek!" Ethan shouted

Grayson and I look at each other and laugh we get up and get in a circle

"Not it" I said immediately

"Not it!" Ethan said

Grayson face palms himself

"I'll count to 30" he whispered

"Love the enthusiasm" I said sarcastically

I ran upstairs and opened the first door that I saw laundry room I decided to crawl into the washing machine I was squished but I still fit in I see the washer and decide to crawl in


Doors have been opened and closed after ten slow minutes the laundry rooms door opened Ethan came in

"Yo come" Ethan called out to Grayson

I saw Ethan kneel down and pick up my headband

"Her headband is here"

"Well let's look around" Grayson said opening the cabinets

"Holy shitballs" I mumbled a little TOO LOUD

"Hey uhh" Ethan said opening the dryers little door or whatever you call it

"Well look who we have here" he laughs

"Haha very funny now help me get out of here" I said

They both help me get out

"Soo what was that about?" Ethan asked

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused

"well you did say holy shitballs" Grayson laughed

Stupid twin telepathy

"Oh god" I say

"Oh Natalie your something else" Grayson kissed my forehead and walked out with me

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