Extra Scene: Eric

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Tobias POV 

I run my hands through my hair for what feels like the millionth time. I'm not sure why I care so much right now. I know it's just dinner, but it's dinner with her. I run my hands through one more time, hoping that the one spot in the back that likes to disobey me stays put.
I button my left cuff easily and struggle with my right when my eye catches the clock. Somehow, I'm running late. I take one last look in the mirror and run out the door to catch Tris before she leaves her room.

Halfway there a stroke of panic races through me and I pat myself down. Phone: check. Chapstick: check. Wallet: shit. Shit. I left it on the nightstand, which means I don't have any money. Or my room key. I stand there for a moment, contemplating what to do, and ultimately decide that I'll just run up to the purser's desk to get a replacement first.
After a few minutes of explaining why I can't show them my I.D., they finally send me to my room with a crew member who has a copy of my information with him. He lets me in the room with the new key, and verifies my information before switching out the keys. I thank him profusely and pat myself down again before leaving the room this time.
Even though I'm late, I rush through the halls, hoping that she waited for me. As I round the last corner, I run smack into someone.

"Oh god. I'm so sorry. I wasn't—" I stop, realizing who it is standing in front of me.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" he says, smiling in a way that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. "In a hurry, are we?"

"It's Eric, right?" I say. "Tris' ex." I smile politely as the emphasis I put on ex wipes the smile right off his face. It might be petty to point it out, but I enjoy it.

"You are him," he says. "That night on the balcony. You told me you hadn't seen her, but it appears you decided to keep her for yourself. Not a smart decision on your part."

"I didn't decide anything," I say.

"Right." His eyes roam over me as he draws out the word, and I have to wonder what it is that Tris saw in this guy.

"She fuck you yet?" He laughs a loud, hearty laugh. "That's a good one, right? I already know the answer. She keeps that pussy on lockdown tighter than Fort Knox."

"Are you always this vulgar?" I ask, having a hard time keeping my composure. Part of me wants to punch him right in the mouth for talking about Tris like this, while another part of me wants to rub it in his face that, yes, we have had sex, and apparently in a quicker time frame than they did. I really have no idea what she saw in this asshole.

"Vulgar? It's the truth, bro. I'm just trying to tell you that you're wasting your time. She'll tell you all the things you want to hear, but never make good on any of her promises. And then when she finally does fuck you, it's lousy at best." Now I know he's just talking shit.

"Right. Well, you have a nice night, Eric," I say as I turn to leave.

"Wait, I'm not finished. Did you know she fucked around with my best friend too?" he calls out after me. I don't know why, but I stop walking. "After I dropped her ass for being lame in bed, she begged and begged me to take her back. Instead I pawned her off on one of my friends and she ended up sucking him off in a bar bathroom. She's pretty gross, dude. If you think you're gonna fuck her, you might want to insist on getting tested first. I didn't have to worry about any of that, since I popped her cherry and all." I don't remember turning. The satisfaction I feel as my fist connects with his face, and his ass connects with the floor, is overwhelming. He holds a hand over his eye for a second and stares up at me in disbelief.

"You do not talk about her like that." I say through gritted teeth. I lean over him, enjoying the switch from disbelief to outright terror, and his already purpling eye. It's a small victory, but it doesn't make it any less satisfying. "You are going to completely forget she exists. If I find out you were even thinking about her, I will make you regret the day you were born. Do I make myself clear?"

"Fuck you," he spits.

"That's what I thought. Now if you'll excuse me." I stand up, straightening the collar on my shirt, and wink at him before I finally walk away. I'm not proud of my outburst —or the twinge of jealousy I feel that she was with that guy— but he deserved it. He deserves worse.

"She's a fucking whore!" he calls out from where he's still sitting on the ground. I know it's all lies. He called her a prude and a whore in the same argument. Not to mention that she already told me what happened, and I have no reason to not believe her.

I check the time on my phone. Shit. My run-in with Eric took up more time than I thought. I walk as fast as I can without actually running, and press the button for the elevator more times than necessary. I shut my eyes tight as I go up until I hear the ding, and walk just as fast to the restaurant. Just as I round the corner, I see her, and a wave of relief floods through me. I don't know how I got so lucky.

Seeing her though reignites that fury. Not at her, but at Eric, and all the things he said. I wonder how many other people he has told these stories to. She looks up and catches sight of me, smiling that beautiful smile of hers.

"Four, there you—" she stops. "What? What happened."

"Nothing," I say, taking a deep breath. I don't know how she knows, but she always has this way of letting me know that she sees me. Sometimes it's subtle, and sometimes it isn't. But it's comforting, and I love that about her.

"It's nothing. You look beautiful, Tris. Come on, let's go eat." I shake my hand out as we walk into the restaurant, only now noticing the pain and the small cut on it.

After this chapter the story will go back to their present lives after the cruise.

Thanks for reading!



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