Issa day for fun mirabella

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It's been just over a week since me and marks date. We FaceTime every night, and are constantly texting. He sends me memes, I hate memes, but I love them from him. He adds a context behind them, and they make me feel like I'm in on some special joke, though it's just a stupid picture of something stupid, with an even worse caption. . . It makes me happy.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, it's the last day of summer and I get woken up early?

I turn over, annoyed at the sound, glancing at my phone. The screen pops up with marks contact. I answer groggily, seeing as it's only 7:30.

"Yes mark?" I question, my eyes squinted from the light.

"What are your plans for today?" I can imagine him smiling widely.

"I was praying on sleep, considering school starts tomorrow."

"Well once school starts out schedules will be full, so we have to end summer with a blast, don't you think Mirabella?"

"What do you have in mind?" I laugh lightly, rubbing my eyes.

"Wait, so to be clear, you have no plans for today?"


"Good, get ready. I'll pick you up in ten minutes. We're going to have a day of fun."

I nod my head as we exchange goodbyes. I get out of bed and walk to the bathroom, bushing my hair and teeth, then putting on some jeans, and a sweater. Just like when I first met him.

I throw on some vans quickly, putting on a little chapstick and running down the stairs to tell my parents I'm leaving.

As I'm explaining the plans I get a text saying he's here. I say my goodbyes and jog out to his truck. I hop in, and look at him, wondering his plans for today.

"Hello sleeping beauty." He greets.

I roll my eyes, waving back. Still half asleep.

"You tired?" Mark asks.

I nod my head.

"Lie down, and I'll wake you up when we get to where we're going."

I do as he says, laying down, my head against the window. I start to drift off, listening to the sound of him quietly singing along to music. The Maine, my favorite band. That no one listens to.

"You listen to the Maine?" I mumble, my eyes still closed.

"Mhmm, my favorite band." He laughs "in surprises you know them. No one does."

"I know. I was thinking the same thing. They're my favorite band too." I laugh, falling back to sleep.

A while later, I wake up to mark rubbing my back, telling me it's time to get up. I sit up, stretching out.

"You awake yet Aurora?" I look to him, laughing. "What?" He questions.

"I can't believe you know sleeping beauty's name. No one knows her name."

"Well I have three sister that love that stuff."

"Mhmm." I laugh rolling my eyes.

"Oh c'mon, get out of the car Mirabella."

"Where are we?" I laugh.

"Well we're about two and a half hours out of town." He shrugs.

"What? Oh my gosh, hold up lemme call my parents."

He nods his head as I grab out my phone. I explain how I fell asleep and didn't quit know where we were going, other wise I would have told them sooner.

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