Junior year

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I walk in to the same old building I've seen a hundred times, northern high school. This year was it, my year.

Finally getting to be an upper classman is going to be amazing. I start walking towards homeroom, where I have the goofiest teacher ever. Mr. Berho wore crazy socks every day, along with nice suits and dress shoes. He played old music, blew lots of bubbles, and told us about his at-home-band.

During homeroom Mr. Berho gives us our schedules for the rest of the year incase we lost ours over the summer, then asks us questions about our summer. Everyone chatted, taking multiple pictures which they would post in a Facebook album, or overly spam their Snapchat.

My phone dinged, a text from mark I quickly opened  to see a picture he sent me of himself. He wore khakis, a white polo tee shirt, and some tan shoes; he went to the private school about 10 mins out of town. I text back a goofy picture of me, cross eyed with my tongue sticking out.

Moments after I hit send my phone dings again, "food after school? Pick ya up at 3:30" I smile largely at my phone, starting to text back; just as I start to type my phone dings again, but this time from Luke.

"Are we still getting pancakes after school, our yearly tradition"

I completely forgot about pancakes with Luke, each year we go to IHOP right after school. I text Luke back agreeing to pancakes, then click back onto marks messages.

"Sorry, but I already am getting pancakes with Luke after school... rain check?" I quickly send the text to mark. He once again responds quickly "oh yeah, sorry I forget you have friends... it's so strange people enjoy you (;" I laugh to myself at his text as the bell to 1st period rings.

I walk into English looking around the room for Luke,  we got out schedules over the summer so we already knew we have 1st period and 3rd period together. I had beat Luke to class, so I picked out two spots in the middle front of the class room. Neither of us mind being in the front, as we both are super outgoing and loud. I slide into my desk, and my backpack sat in the chair next to me ensuring that no one takes Luke's spot. I slip my phone out of my pocket, sending a quick text to Luke asking where he was at. As I click send I see Luke walk though the door.

"Hey dumbo," Luke says as he walks past me, shoving my head. I give him a smile and move my bag so he could sit. "Nice seating, front and center," he laughs.

"Well where else would we sit, you have to leave the back corners for the shy kids, it's just cruel to deny them if that." I respond, grappling a pack of gum from my backpack. I offer one to Luke, which he declines, before sliding the minty strip into my mouth.

Mrs. Dirms starts to talk about how critical English is to society, and somehow manages to connect proper grammar to our economy functioning properly. I didn't really listen to anything she said all class period, partially because she makes absolutely no sense, and partially because she has a slow monotone voice. By the end of class I feel myself falling sleep slightly until Luke records himself wiggling a pencil across my lips, waking me up. The bell rung shortly after.

By the end of the day, I was so tired I could have slept for ninety-eight hours. I meet up with Luke by the front doors of the school, and beg him to stop at my house before going to IHOP. In return, he groans complaining that he's starving, and that's it's against traditions. Ultimately he agrees.

When we arrive at my house I quickly run inside, throwing on a pair of Nike shots, and one of the many sweaters of Luke's that I have stolen. I toss my hair into a pony tail, and finish off the 'amazingly stylish' look by throwing on a pair of birkenstocks.

I walk back out to the car to immediately hear, "oh no, not the Jesus sandals," he laughs "those look like an uncle that carries trail mix in his pocket!"

"Oh Luke, your lucky I'm too tired to respond." I sigh, leaning my head agains the glass window.

"You always have energy, what's up with you today?" He laughs, pushing me slightly.

"I don't know," I smile to myself thinking of mark. "I was up really late last night."

"Doing what?"He turns toward me with a goofy smile.

"I hung out with mark for a while," I say my smile widening. "By time we got home it was already late, then I had to get ready for bed, and straighten my hair because I knew I wouldn't want to do it this morning. Then we FaceTimed for while, I just didn't sleep much."

"Mark huh?" He smirks at me.

"Shut up." I laugh, turning on the radio.

"Are you guys talking?" He asks.

"I think so." I shrug.

"You think so?"

"Well I don't know. I mean, I think we are. I really like him, and really enjoy spending time with him, but I don't want to get disappointed if he doesn't feel the same way, so I'm not going to get my hopes up. Plus, it would be super awkward if he didn't think we were talking and I did."

Luke shrugs, taking a moment before speaking, "you know you're my best friend, and I love you," he turns towards me.

"Yes" I sigh, knowing I'm about to get a Luke lecture.

"Well you always act like your not good enough mir. Your beautiful, seriously beautiful and if he doesn't see that then forget him, he's trash. All my guy friends harass me about hot you are," he chuckles, "you could have your choice of any guy in school. Stop acting like he's the prize, because you are."

"I love you Luke." I smile, intertwining our arms. I'm happy it was more of a pep-talk than a lecture.

"I love you too mir, now stop being a pussy and make up your mind."

I un-loop our arms, leaning against the window, thinking about Luke's words until we get to IHOP.

When we pull into the IHOP parking lot I turn towards Luke, asking if he would give me a piggy-back-ride in. Luckily for me he said yes, walking around to my door and letting me hop on. As he carries me in I tell him that I'm being such a good friend by giving him the opportunity to burn off the calories he is about to eat.

Luke finished all of his pancakes, while I only eat a few bites. I take the rest to go, knowing I'm too tired to eat tonight but would love them in the morning.

When I get home I set an alarm, plug in my phone, and fall to sleep instantly.

Hi, yes I know I'm THE WORST :/
I haven't updated in a year, and that's an oober long time, so sorry.
But I am back and plan to be posting 1x a week, so u guys better read Bc imma be hella sad if my views go down :(((

Ok bye!!!

APRIL 8 2019

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