Run in's II

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Vanessa's POV

I needed time to think about what Mark had just told me.

All my siblings had stormed off after hearing of Fathers death, Abbey went to retrieve the body and burry it off grounds.

I sped out of the house, only realising the hunger deep inside me. My body ached for fresh blood.

I sped through the forest in search for a dear or a bunny.

I kept hearing fathers voice in my mind, convincing me to only go for humans.

Coincidentally a hiker strolled past with a bunch ad camping equipment attached to his back.

I stealthily began to plan my attack.

I moved fast, quickly stepping in his path to give him a death stare, "Are you lost sir?" I giggled, sticking to the script in my head.

"Wow you scared me! Um yeah could you direct me to the towns centre please?" He asked suspiciously.

"Of course!" I answered running up to him and cracking his neck, I dug my fangs deep into his skin, indulging every ounce of blood this man carried. I allowed his dry body to fall cleanly to the ground, I felt slightly guilty for my sudden murder but I couldn't help myself.

The inner hunger died down and my confusion and sorrow rushed back.

I kept my head low as I slowly trudged through the forest, it was growing dark, the stars illuminated a pathway for me to follow.

I continued walking, I suddenly tripped over a large object on the ground, after I caught myself I went to investigate what I fell over.

It was a body, a girl with long black hair lay flat on her stomach, I used my foot to turn her over, panic rushing through my veins.

As soon as her face became visible I gasped and stumbled backwards into a tree.

What the hell!

It was the girl again! The girl who looked exactly like me! The girl Mark said was my sister!

"Hello?" I shakily questioned.

She began to stir awake, her eyes barley fluttered open.

I panicked, my usual whimpy self wanted to run as far away as possible but I knew I needed information from this girl. I grabbed her neck and lifted her up, pushing her against a tree. She was now fully awake, she looked frightened at first but then tough.

I tried to stop shaking, I was terrified but I couldn't let her see how scared I was!

"Who are you!?" I questioned.

Veronica's POV

I felt someone's foot. Slightly kick my side I tried to open my eyes but I could see the blurry figure jump back at first.

I tried to sit up but before I could make a move I felt a tight grasp on my neck and the girl had pinned me against a tree.

I felt bad, I can sense the stench of fear all over her but I could tell she was not the same girl I last saw.....

A/N: so this is a bonus chapter! Don't worry me and Sarah will be doing another chapter for Sunday! Bye guys 👋🏻 ~Maisie and Sarah

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