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Vanessa's POV

I was busy feasting on my third human this afternoon, I don't know what had happened but the taste kept getting sweeter and tastier!

"Vanessa stop! What are you doing!?" I heard an annoyingly familiar voice shout.

"Mark go away" I answered as I dropped the innocent drained human body to the ground. I turned around to face him, wiping blood from my chin.

"Come with me" he ordered. His face was full of rage and anger but I could tell he was scared on the inside.

"No" I laughed sarcastically.


"Make me" I dared, crossing my arms, waiting for his puny attempt to lure me away with him.

"I don't wanna do this but your stupid decision is forcing me too" he declared. He stoop still for a solid 20 seconds before springing forwards towards me. He was too fast and I didn't have time to escape his grasp. "Let me go!" I shouted. He had a tight grip on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry Nessa I have no other choice!" He apologised. Before I knew it heard a loud snap and all went black.

My eyes slowly opened. When they focused I was in a familiar room from my past, a room I was forbidden from entering but I always found a way in.

"Why am I in the cellar?" I asked tiredly. I wasn't sure if there was even anybody was even listening but I didn't care.

"I'm gonna wait for you to starve, then torture you to flip your switch back!" He laughed.

I was wondering why I felt so weak, I wasn't able to break free from the tight sore ropes keeping me strapped to a wooden chair.

"Don't try too hard Nessa Wessa, don't want the vervain to irritate you that much" he chuckled sarcastically.

"Typical Mark! Never doing anything original, always sticking to fathers ways! He's dead! Gone! Get over it. Live your own life, not his" I replied angrily.

"That's it Nessa release that anger! And maybe some other emotions while you're at it"

He walked up to me and tied a bandana around my mouth. I screamed in pain, he must have soaked it in vervain, I could feel my skin burning and bubbling with pain. He grabbed a metal rod from the corner and scrapped down my arms, I felt blood rushing out. He then stabbed it through my leg and left it there.

"Now Vanessa, the rod won't kill you but it will drain you and make you more vulnerable, I will return in a few hours take the rod out and repeat it on the other leg, I hope this teaches you a lesson" he stated as he left me to bleed out in pain in the cellar.


A/N: Hey guys sorry for not updating in a while I've been on Easter break it's my fault completely not Maisie's😂❤️

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