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Veronica's POV

I'm done being scared of Vanessa. I mean for god sake, she's my sister! But I have so many questions.....
But like I said we will never have anything in common.

Veronica heads back into her half obstructed house and heads upstairs.

She grabs jacks necklace with the blue crystal, she could see her own reflection and started to sing a song that was always big to her...

"You with the sad eyes.... don't be discouraged"

"Oh I realise, it's hard to take courage"

"In a world full of people... you can lose side of it all"

"The darkness inside you could make you feel so small...."

Third persons POV

Veronica walked over to her half broken mirror and put the necklace on. She looked up and in the mirror she could see Jack standing there.

"I'm proud of you sister don't forget that And don't ever stop singing, okay?"

Veronica eyes were full of tears when rolled slowly down her face.

she closed her eyes and whispered "okay" and then looked up to see he was gone.

Veronica wiped the tear marks from her cheeks "oh my god, I've never cried so much in my life, I need to stop being an emotional mess" she said laughing to herself.

Veronica's POV

It's nice to know that I'll always be connected with him and have him by my side even do I can't see him I will feel his presence when I need him the most.

"Veronica!" I know that high pitch squeal anyway!

I turned around to see my best friend "Alexa!"

We ran towards each other and hugged, it felt like I haven't seen her for a long time.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

"I've been sent for you" Alexa responded with a big smile on her face.

"Who wants to see me?"

"Chief does!"

I thought to myself does he know that I went passed the barrier.

"Veronica! Stop say dreaming we need to go now!" Alexa said holding Veronica's hand and pulling her out.

"Alexa hold on!"

"Hurry up! We don't want to be late!"

"I'll race you up there" Veronica said smiling.

"Okay!" Alexa said full of excitement.

"Ready, 3...2...1... GO!"

By Maisie

A/N: I hope you guys liked this little chapter of Roni singing as well it's something me and Sarah have wanted to put in our book a long time now but anyway hope you like this surprise chapter

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