Chapter 10

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Evan pov.

"Then, can I kiss my Jonathan again?"
I said with hopeful eyes, looking right into his, still neon blue. He then kissed me on the cheek and my heart sank a little, but I knew he had his reasons not to kiss me. "I'm sorry, Evan. I like you very much, but can we pause this we have, not for long, I promise." He had a weak smile and so did I. I wasn't angry with him, just a bit sad because I like him a lot too. "I want us to wait till I've figured all this power thing out." He looked down at his claws and clenched his fists. "Okay, of course, and I'll help with it." I assured him and he smiled with that beautiful smile he has, that makes me go weak in my knees. This would give us a chance to start over, without being worried about Delirious' sudden actions. Start from scratch and build up a friendship first, even though I kinda like him more than friends, but it's alright. I trust him, he promised me we would start again, it's just a little pause. It's nothing. I'll be alright. It's okay. I'm fine. Is this anxiety I'm feeling? No, it can't be, I'm fine. Totally okay...
I took his hand in mine and kissed it. "Maybe I should apologize to Luke and the others and explain." He said and scratched the back of his head. "That might be a good idea." I said and chuckled lightly. His hand slipped slowly out of mine and he walked out of my room and downstairs to the others, leaving me alone, sitting on my bed. I didn't know what to feel, I wasn't happy, nor was I sad, just nothing. I couldn't be with Jonathan, but he was still there and I wanted to help him through this. I understood him and at the same time I didn't, I wanted to deny it. I want this to be over fast. A single tear rolled down my cheek because of the thought of not hugging him whenever I wanted. I needed to man up and do it for him, for us. Thinking back on it, it meant a lot how broken Jonathan became when he saw "me" kiss another. He proved to me that he cares and a lot.
I suddenly heard a loud noise coming from downstairs. What is going on? I got up and ran down and saw a broken lamp on the floor and Mini holding on to a very angry Wildcat. Jonathan sat down in the corner and yelled out: "Leave me alone, Tyler!" and he began crying. "I DON'T BELIEVE YOU! DELIRIOUS IS NOT GONE!" Wildcat yelled at him, eyes shining blood red and his hair turning white. "What happened?!" I said trying to calm the situation down. "Wildcat threw a lamp after Del- I mean Jonathan!" Ohm told me. "You're still not my alpha!" Wildcat said and gave Jonathan an angry look. "I don't want to be the alpha!" Jon cried out from the corner. Wildcat was right, Jon was technically our alpha, but he didn't want to be one, he's too fragile and weak just as Jonathan. "Calm down guys! I believe Jon! If he says Delirious is gone, it's true!" I said, but Wildcat quickly followed up with a comment. "You have to say that! You've become his bitch! Yes, I've seen and heard how Delirious treats you!" Wildcat crossed his arms and turned to face Mini. I grew my fangs and claws out and grabbed Wildcat by the throat. "I AM YOUR ALPHA! DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT AGAIN!" I yelled into his face and let go of him right after. I could see that I scared all of them because I don't normally act like that, but this time was different. Wildcat needed to know where his place was. I walked over to Jonathan and reached my hand out, for him to stand up and I whispered to him, so only he heard. "I trust you." He grabbed my hand and stood up beside me, still holding onto my hand tight, just like a scared child would. "Listen up guys! Those of you who trust me and Jonathan, we need your help. If you don't trust us, I won't throw you out of the pack, but you have lost my respect." I looked over at Wildcat and made eye contact with him, so he crossed his arms and huffed. "I'm always with you, Vanoss and you know that." Ohm said and stepped forward, putting his bandana on his eyes. "I'm with you." Mini said and walked over beside Ohm and now we were all staring at Wildcat, who still had his arms crossed. "Tyler?" Mini said begging. "Fuck it! I don't like it, but it's not in my nature to be against my leader!" Wildcat said and rolled his eyes, staying still. Jonathan was gripping my hand tight when I looked his way and he smiled. "I never want you to feel alone." I said to him, almost whispering, but the others heard it too. "Yeah, you got a family of brothers now." Ohm said and Mini followed. "It's true! Welcome to the pack." Mini grinned and laid his hand on Jonathan's shoulder. Jon had a big smile on his face and happy tears in the corners of his eyes. I looked over at Wildcat and lifted my eyebrow. "I have nothing to say." Wildcat said in a low voice and not long after he left. "Don't bother about Tyler, he'll come around sooner or later." "Yeah, he's just not a big fan of new people." Ohm and Mini assured Jonathan. They then soon left, leaving only me and Jon back in my house.
I sat down on my couch and swung my legs up on it too. Jon came over and laid down on the couch, placing his head on my lap and a hand on my thigh. "We can still be close, you know?" he said and smiled up at me. "Yeah, I know." I smiled back and drove my fingers through his soft, brown and curly hair. "Your eyes are pretty in that neon blue." His eyes were still shining because he didn't know how to turn his powers off. "Thank you. I like your dark yellow too, very sexy actually." He said in a sweet voice. "How come you're still a virgin?" I thought it was important and I had to ask him, plus I never got an answer out of the other day. "I knew you would ask hehe." He chuckled lightly and made the sweetest sounds. "I guess I just haven't found the one and I've been afraid of Delirious to come knocking and ruin it." He closed his eyes and sighed, putting his hands behind his head. I tried really hard not to think about how his hands actually laid right on my crotch, but to my luck, he noticed, opened his eyes and raised his eyebrow with a grin on his lips. "Dude, why?" He asked me and giggled, but I just shrugged my shoulder. "Sorry, but your hands are on my crotch and I really tried, but you know why." I sighed, but he kept giving me a crooked smile. I took my hands up to hide my face from embarrassment. I don't get embarrassed easily, but this time where we have told each other to keep it on a friendly level, this had to happen. He sat up and took my hands down and held them in his. "What...?" I looked down and blushed but he took my chin and lifted my head up. "What do you say to that we're friend from tomorrow?" He smirked and winked, making my pulse rise. "Deal, so can I kiss you now?" He nodded, so I pulled his face close to mine and our lips met. I grabbed his waist and swung him over me so he was sitting in my lap, lips still connected. I licked his bottom lip, asking to open his mouth and he obeyed. I glided my hands up under his shirt to his back, caressing him gently. I went down and kissed his neck where I had made my mark. Suddenly he made the sexiest noise I've ever heard and his moans turned me on so much. Fuck! Come on Evan! I can't take his virginity, not like this and not now. I'm not thinking straight, I can't. Nobody has ever made me feel this way like he does. His hands then went up and down my chest. "Can you take this off?" He asked as he pulled lightly on my shirt. In a matter of seconds, we were both shirtless, skin against skin and I loved it. There was no denying it now, he could obviously feel me under him. I kissed him hard and passionately because I knew there would go a long time before I could do it again. 

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