Chapter 3: Nightmares

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(This is a bit of a longer chapter but it's definitly worth the read, I started crying while writing it-twice😂) enjoy:)
Normans POV:
I awoke around 8 and was some how wide awake even though I had only been asleep for three or four hours. I went into the kitchen and started some coffee. Then I went to throw on some clean sweatpants and a white tee shirt because I was still in my underwear from the night before. When I got done I scurried back into the living room where Juliet was still sound asleep. I noticed she had kicked the blanket off herself so I pulled it back over her. I leaned over her and just watched her sleep for a second. She was so peaceful, so innocent, and so damn beautiful. I kissed her cheek carefully making sure not to wake her and made my way back into the kitchen to get my coffee.

I grabbed a cup, poured the coffee in and added some creamer. I placed the mug back down on the counter and suddenly felt two small arms wrap around my waist and almost straight after a head landed on my back.

"Goodmorning beautiful" I cooed. She yawned but still held onto me which I didn't mind. She let go for a split second and I spun around to face her. Her blond hair was messy and tangled. She had put on my white tee shirt from last night and only had on panties. I wrapped my arms back around her and held on. She looked up and began to lean in and kiss me when we were rudely inturrupted.

"Ew get a room" We both turned our heads to see Sean, obviously hungover, standing in the kitchen doorway. I finished the kiss with JJ and took her hand in mine. Then we walked back into the living room where we all sat down. I put my arm around JJ and she leaned into me, closing her eyes. Sean had his head in his hands complaining about a headache.

"Why the fuck would you let me drink so much last night bro?"

"You were having fun, I was having fun, plus you wouldn't have listened to me anyways."

"Soooo-" His eyes moved from me to JJ and then back again.

"Nothing happened don't even go there" I said. He looked back at JJ and went to get some advil to lighten his headache. JJ curled up into my arms and I held her tighter- almost as if I was scared she'd leave if I let go, which was not true.

I didn't want to wake JJ back up but I was really tired too so I decided to get some sleep in the guest bedroom. I picked up JJ and her eyes flew open but after realizing it was me she yawned and shut them. I pulled the blanket down and laid her down, pulling the comforter back over her frail body. It was really cold in that room, always had been. I jumped in bed next to her and she pulled the blanket up to her chin.

"It's alright baby go back to sleep" I hadn't even had time to realize what I'd said before her whole body shot up. Shit. What was wrong with me. You're an actual fucking idiot Norman.

"I'm sor-"

"Don't be...I mean, nevermind just forget it" She studdered and laid back down. This time she faced the opposite direction as me. I layed there and waited for her to go back to bed so I could get up. I've done screwed up once.

After what felt like a lifetime I slipped out of bed and back into the living room. Sean was watching some movie on the couch. I sat down in the chair and pulled out my phone. I pulled up a post I had been tagged in mulitple times. It was a photo of JJ and I at the party. I held the phone in my hands wondering who the hell had taken the photo. For some reason I became angry. I don't even know excactly why I was so mad but I was just furious. I love my fans but people shouldn't be going around assuming we're dating. I hated that JJ had been brought into this. Now people were commenting shit about her and they've never even met the girl. 'He deserves someone prettier', 'Ew she's like 15 years younger than him', 'Norman why would you date that thing?'

Comments like that were plastered everywhere for anyone and everyone to see. I threw my phone onto the ground and jumped up.

"Norman is everything okay?" I ignored Sean completely and pushed past him. I grabbed my coat and slid some shoes on. In that moment I needed to go somewhere. Somewhere that I could contain myself and get myself back together.

"Norman what the fuck dude?" He screamed.

"Leave me alone, don't call me, don't text me, just leave me the hell alone!"

Sean seemed to be a bit suprised by my sudden outburst but who wouldn't. I was screaming and my face showed rage. I opened the door and I was about to slam it when I heard a scream. I rushed back inside wondering what had happened. Sean was just sitting there with his mouth still half opened, suprised by all the commotion.

I ran back into the room where I had left Juliet and she was curled up into a ball crying. I ran over to the bed and she looked up. Her face was red and streaked with tears. I sat down next to her and pulled her into me. Everything that I was mad about was history. In that moment I just wanted JJ in my arms.

"It's okay, it's alright." I said, rubbing her back, trying to get her to stop crying. My shirt was soaked with tears but I didn't care.

"I'm here JJ, I'm here, you're okay."

"I'm sorry Norman, I'm so sorry." She cried into me.

"Hey now, there's nothing to be sorry about doll." I whispered.

"Is everything okay J?" Sean asked, opening the door. She shook her head yes and layed it back against my chest.

"Hey I'm gonna run to the store and grab a few things, then we'll go out to eat after I get home. Dress nice." He added shutting the door behind him. I heard the apartment door shut soon after and knew then that he was gone.

"Hey I'm here if you want to talk about it." She looked up at me and took a deep breath. "I know" She whispered.

"I sometimes have these...dreams but they're more like nightmares- I see my parents." I was a bit confused and she obviously could tell.

"You can't tell anyone Norm, Sean is the only other person on this earth who knows... One day I came home from school and my father was puking blood. Then he started foaming out of his mouth and scratching my arms. His eyes shut and in a second he was gone. I bent down but I didn't feel a pulse. I hugged him and hoped he heard me say I love you even though I kinda choked. Still to this day I see my father on the floor. The nightmares- I swear they are the worse. I threw him in the tub with the cold water flowing. He died 35 times in one hour. I did the best I could, my brother by my side." Then she started crying again. The tears were rolling down her cheeks. I rubbed her arms as she began to finish her story.

"We made it to the ER with seconds on his lifeline. They pumped his stomach out and said he'll be just fine. A few days later my brother went to pick him up. Before I got to the door my dad was bustin' in, he shoved me to the corner, I thought I'd helped him live. He slapped me in the face and said 'girl I fucking hate you.' " She managed to choke out.

"I ran into my brothers room and then we heard a boom, ran to the living room and seen my mommas lifeless body. Blood all around, that's all that I could see. Visions of them have haunted me since then." By now the tears had stopped. She had nothing left to cry out, and I felt terrible for her.

"If you don't mind me asking, where's your dad now?"

"I don't know, the police never found him. So me and my brother moved across the country and started a new life."

"If I ever see that mother fucker I swear to god." I gritted through my teeth. I suddenly felt the urge to tell JJ something I hadn't told anyone in a long time but I kept my mouth shut, it's to early.

I hope I hit you in the feels:) Also credit to the guy who wrote the actual song, it's up above and I suggest listening to it
Norman kisses

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