Chapter 2: Devil's Kind

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Elijah returns home to find a puddle of blood on the floor of the courtyard. When he walks toward it to take a closer look, he sees a trail of paw prints that eventually turn into human footprints. The prints lead to a dead woman's body, which is propped up against the fountain. Elijah follows another trail of footprints to the bathroom, where Coney is taking a bubble bath. Another body is propped up against the wall next to the tub.

"Come to check up on me?" Coney asks.

"You've had an eventful evening," Elijah says.

"I was having a crappy day, so Klaus took me out to the Cauldron with Hayley. Wouldn't you know, we ran into some witches!" Coney says, smiling.

Elijah, sarcastically, says, "So, would you like me to remove your leftovers?" Elijah steps over the body and into the bathroom, and Coney rolls her eyes before standing up in the tub, not at all concerned about Elijah seeing her naked, bubble-covered body. Elijah, clearly not pleased, reaches for a towel and hands it to Coney, though he doesn't avert his eyes from her body.

"Oh, don't judge, Elijah! What I did is no worse than anything Klaus has ever done," Coney says.

Elijah, concerned and exasperated, says, "I would hope that you would hold yourself to a higher standard than Niklaus."

"I'm a hybrid now, and I have a werewolf temper to go with my new appetite. And the witches who tried to kill my baby are worth nothing more than food," Coney says. She dries herself off, and hands the towel to Elijah. "Excuse me." Coney scoots past Elijah and returns to her room to change.


Klaus, Coney, and Hayley have arrived at the werewolf encampments and are looking around for any wolves who may still be around.

"I told you, this place is deserted," Coney says, as she had no reason to be there. She didn;t want to lead the wolves.

"No, their scent is fresh. They're hiding," Klaus says. While Klaus talks, he searches through the empty tents around them. "Which means somewhere nearby, we will find the remnants of your pack."

"And then what? It's not exactly like they're going to welcome us. If there's one thing these people hate more than vampires, it's hybrids," Coney says.

"What they hate is their lack of power. Hence the willingness of their brethren to deal with that witch in exchange for rings! But, she hasn't gotten to your lot yet, so, we need to get to them first and ensure they align with us," Klaus says.

Coney, skeptically, says, "Awesome. All we gotta do is find them." Hayley touches her arm and Coney looks at her, almost pleadingly. She didn't want to be there.

"A task I leave to you and your sister. Go on!" Klaus says. Hayley looks at Klaus in confusion while Coney just rolls her eyes. "Well, you're a hybrid now, with heightened senses unlike anything under the sun... besides me."

Hayley rolls her eyes with her sister and they dramatically sniff the air. Coney smells something, and closes her eyes for a moment to focus. Klaus watches her curiously, but after a moment, Coney opens her eyes and frowns before sighing. "This is stupid," She says.

"Your people need a leader! You are their queen!" Klaus says.

"I am a mess! I cry all day, I feed all night. All I can think about is how much I miss my daughter! I don't even want to be their queen!" Coney says.

"Do you think you're alone in that pain?" Klaus asks.

"Have you even thought about her once?" Coney whispers.

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