Chapter 12: Devil's Vision

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Many of the werewolves who aren't under Finn's control and their children have returned to the Bayou, where they are once again living in the encampments for their own safety. Many of the werewolves are collecting firewood and other necessities in preparation for the Unification ceremony. Two young boys are throwing around a baseball, which they accidentally drop onto the ground. As it rolls away, one of the boys chases after it, where it lands right under the foot of Klaus, who has just arrived. Klaus crouches down and smiles at the boy as he picks up the ball, but instead of handing it to him, he carries it with him to address the crowd, Coney following close behind.

"I wonder if you lot can help me. I'm looking for the hybrid who calls herself your queen," Klaus says. The werewolves stare at him in silence, and Klaus sighs impatiently.

"I'd prefer you tell me where she is before I grow irritated. After all." He tosses the ball back to the young boy. "There are children present." He raises his eyebrows expectantly at the crowd.


Mary is in the middle of chopping up potatoes, tomatoes and peppers in her home when Klaus and Coney appear in her doorway. She senses their presence and turns to face them, and they smile at her as she clutches her knife in her hand protectively.

"What do you want?" Mary asks

"Well, we could start with some common courtesy. You could invite us in?" Klaus offers and Mary scoffs.

"Not likely, vampires," She says and Klaus and Coney smile.

"We're a hybrid, dear. Half-wolf. We could be distant relatives, for all you know! Matter of fact, I'm looking for another of my kind. Rumor has it she's nearby," Coney says.

"What do you want with Hayley?" Mary asks.

"I wish only to remind her of the importance of family. Dissuade her from foolish mistakes," Klaus says.

"There are some secrets my sister does not have the right to release," Coney says and Mary's eyes widen.

"You're sister?" She whispers before shaking her head the clear her thoughts. "Jackson's with her now. They can look out for each other. Why don't you just leave them alone?"

"Well, perhaps I should. Clearly, I can trust Jackson's selfless nature, as willing as he is to marry Hayley and save her from the horrors of her current existence. And, in exchange for nothing more than an empowered werewolf pack to serve as his own personal army. Hmm. You know, on second thought, I think I'd like to congratulate the bride and groom," Klaus says. Mary looks alarmed at Klaus, who seems amused by it. "No doubt they're close by, attending to their prenuptial observances." He slams his hand against the door frame. "And since you've been unable to help me find them, well... I suppose I'll have to hunt them down myself, won't I?"

Mary looks at him nervously as he vamp-speeds away. Coney's about to join him when she hears, "Wait."

Coney turns and sees Mary standing in the doorway. "You're the alpha's sister, the one fated to bring destruction to the tribe, all because of love. You will ruin us all!" Marry yells at Coney, who is visibly shaken, but runs away, slamming into a tree, not falling but stumbling slightly. She takes a deep breath in, but can't hold it, watching as her breath got faster. Her chest heaves up and down, and her head felt light. Something wet rolls down her cheek, and brings her hand to touch it, and feels the warm salt water of her tears. Pupil's dilated, breath heavy, she runs away, to the middle of the woods, where she falls on her knees, her eyes closing, darkness engulfing her vision.


"Oh Elijah! How marvelous this is!" A woman with dark skin and hair says, twirling around in a grande room. Her dress was the opposite, tattered and dirty. Elijah walks out of a separate room, twirling his cuffs, a small, sadistic smiles on his face.

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