[FOUR] Blackout

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I'm so sorry I haven't been posting. I'm lazy and tired, okay?

 EL OH ELLLLLLLLLLL I seriously think that dis story is horribleh. The chapters may have many reads, but they're all from the same people (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) . Leave a comment or something, please? I really would appreciate it.


That day, the tears never failed to keep my eyes wet.

I stood in the elevator, iPhone in hand. So much energy was built up inside of me that my fingers could move like light.

"Just got told that I'm going to be Bethany in One Step Closer! #SMASHING" and just as fast, my thumb flew up and pressed the tweet button. My fans knew me & that I always say "SMASHING!" with a wiggly hand motion when something epic happens.

All of this energy brought this strange feeling on me. It was like I was floating. Maybe I was. I was zoned out too far to know. I moved with grace, gliding to a soundtrack playing in my ear - soprano angels singing dramatically. It almost felt like all of those movie love fantasies had come to life inside my heart. In the subway, I stared at the ceiling, smiling. You could say that I was high right now. But sometimes, you don't have to get drugs to get high. Sometimes.. love is all you need.

The feeling I had made me feel like I was floating back home. Once I finally reached my house, I grabbed my script. I'll have to be practicing every single day. In order to impress Alex, I'll have to perfect my lines. Dear god, the last time I was this excited was when I got my first job. Good times, good times. 

I opened to the first page and read the list of characters. My name was right above his.  I put a heart in between them. Nothing that big of a deal, right? I turned the page, and started reading the script. No reading out loud yet. But first, I needed my highlighter. Reaching into my nearby purse, I grabbed the zydrate (neon) blue colored one. This was my good-luck highlighter. Kate gave it to me on my first job. I studied each line carefully as I highlighted it. EVERY SINGLE LINE MUST BE PERFECT. 

So basically, the movie told the story of a girl with an odd genetic mutation. Her problem? She has color changing eyes, eyes that change to her mood. Her moods were strong and you could literally

see it in her eyes. But a mood of her's that wasn't obvious was love. She falls in love with the popular boy, although she's considered an outcast, although she's considered a freak. That's all I had read so far.

Seriously, my eyes were blurry, and I needed to take a quick break. So I ran over to my closet, iPhone in hand. Nobody could hear me in my closet. I knew I was safe there. I went through the usual routine- home button, slide, passcode. Then my thumb flew to the contacts and scrolled through until I found Maymay's number. Rather than text her, I called. She answered nearly immediately.

"Whaddup?" She singsonged.

"Yo, did you see my tweet?" I asked.

"What tweet?" Her puzzled voice echoed into my ear. "You tweet so much.."

"I think it's pretty obvious. It's the most important tweet on my page." It was silent for a moment. All I could hear was scroll, scroll, scroll. And then.. 

"OHMYGOD!" She was screaming. "I knew you'd get the part! Tell me more about it."

But as I mentioned that, I thought about Alex. Did he tweet anything yet?

"I'll tell you over text." I told her. "I just called to tell you, since it's such a big deal."

"Alright." I hung up and opened the twitter app as fast as I could. My fingers flew and my heart pounded as I rushed to their page. And sure enough, the first tweet there read, "Just scored an awesome role in a movie called "One Step Closer" . I'm reading the script. Really powerful. This should be fun 2 do***Alex***" I took a screencap of the tweet. He thinks this is going to be fun. Well, it is. Does he know I'm playing the role? Is he excited to be working with me? Does he even know who I am? 

Since I already was online, I switched to the interactions tab. The first thing that came up wasn't a desperate tweet from a fan. It was someone following me. Not just anyone. But I stared at the notification and read it over again. Was it real?

"Nat and Alex Wolff followed you" Under it was their picture. 

I burst into tears. Was this really happening? Ohmygod. My heart started up again and my eyes were waterfalls. In the blur of tears and darkness, I found the lock key and the home key and pressed them. And then everything went completely black for a while. It felt like I had fell asleep. I was dreaming of how things might be. Dreaming of every possible outcome. Suddenly, I jolted out of it. My phone was still in my hand and it vibrated. I rose up and looked at it. All it was was Maymay asking me about the movie. I replied and ranted about what just happened. Then I got up and walked out of my closet. The sky was really dark.. how long was I passed out for?  Drying my soaking eyes with the back of my hand, I read my script some more. 

The story continued to say that she became very depressed knowing that he would never love her back. So one day during class, she exits the room and takes the back stairs to the school's roof. I recognized the suicide note immediately while reading. This is the "speech" I auditioned with. Anyway, so she was writing her suicide note, his gym class went outside, and he saw her. He knew what was going on. He sneaked away somehow, and came on the roof, proceeding to talk her out of suicide, asking her out and then..

Ohmygod. I could barley proccess the next part.

I started bawling and my heart started racing. All of that happened again. Once I calmed down, I re-read it, just to make sure it was right, and that I wasn't imagining things.

Dylan kisses Bethany.

In basic words?

Alex kisses Lexii.

Seriously, I felt like I was going to die right now. He was going to kiss me. Ohmygod. This was all a dream to me right now. So much had gone on today, I could barley take it. Once I checked, I realized it was only 8:30 PM. I seriously needed to sleep a lot. All of my body felt weak. So I turned off my lights and collapsed on my pillow, falling asleep instantly.

Maybe I don't have to wait a few weeks to see his face again.

Maybe tonight, I'll dream of him..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2012 ⏰

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