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"Dear God, please let my father be all right and my family very happy. We have done nothing to disturb the harmony of your almighty kingdom and we do not deserve such a punishment. I will be good and kind, a caring girl. I will always help others and protect the weak. Amen"

Annie Greyling was kneeling at the side of the mattress that she shared with her younger sister- Alicia. Her hands were folded for prayer and her eyes looked fearfully at the iron cross that was hung on the grimy wall along with other, cheap looking ornaments.

Annie's family has lived in a small village ever since Annie could remember and they owned a small, ugly cottage with a small back garden that they arranged to make it into a tiny field. Annie's father- Robert bought the house when he married Ida- Annie's mother. He and his wife did their best to clear it up and make it their lovely, cosy home but as much as they wanted, they couldn't fight the mould and grime that covered the walls just a day after they cleaned them.

2 years after their marriage their first little child was born. Annie was a noisy baby but she knew that there were situations were she had to stay quiet, no matter what. 3 years after Annie's birth another girl was born- Alicia was weak and frail, she couldn't go through a single winter without having at least a slight chill. She was always the favourite but Annie rather disliked Alicia as when she learnt how to she would pinch and say unkind words to her sister. A little boy followed but he died during birth and he was buried in the field, behind the cottage. Another boy was born 5 years later. It took so long because Ida was heartbroken after losing her first boy and she was so scared that another baby might be born dead. But little James was a healthy, strong boy and he was always in a cheery mood forever making new friends. With a little robin that sung in the meadow every evening, the neighbour's cat that was half blind and lots of children his age.

They were a fairly happy family but they had big money problems. Robert ploughed their small field in the early spring and sowed seed later on in that season. When the crops grew all the children collected them and half of it was used to feed the family, while the other half was sold to the villagers.

"Annie! Come here please." Ida called from the main room.

"I'm coming mother!" Annie replied and headed for the main room.

"What is it about, what is it about?" Annie thought on her way.


"Dear God almighty, my Lord, please let Father buy me lots of pretty dresses and a new silver bracelet as Mary broke mine. I was very cross with her and I hit her on the arm but you will forgive me, won't you? I try very hard to learn to be a mistress of this house when I turn 14 but it doesn't seem to work so please let me grow into a wise woman and marry a rich man. Amen."

"Angela darling! Are you done with your prayer?" The soft voice of Angela's mother- Lilliana called from downstairs.

"Yes Mother!!!" Angela boomed her reply angrily and stood up from the little cushion that she knelt on during prayer.

"Come downstairs please, me and your father have something very important to tell you!" Lilliana called, undisturbed by Angela's rude reply.

"Ugh" Angela thought.

"I'm coming!" She bellowed and thrust her large feet into the dainty night slippers that lay by her bed. They were very beautiful slippers that Henry- Angela's father bought for her when he was on a business trip in France. They were very warm inside- made of soft, sheep's wool and on the outside they were a sweet, rosy shade of pink silk with small rosebuds stuck around the edges.

The maid- Lou slipped a rosy pink dressing gown onto Angela's shoulders and tied it at the front. Then Angela run downstairs, deliberately skipping every second step as she knew that it annoyed her parents. She walked through the living room and entered the small dining room. Her mother and father were sitting at the table, next to each other with unsmiling faces.

"Please sit down on this chair, Angela." Her father said, his voice the one that Angela knew wouldn't tolerate a negative reply so she sat down.

"It is time for your annual doctor visit, Angel. You will go tomorrow with your mother. Please remember that it might end with your going to the hospital..." he emphasized "the hospital" in a very grim way, so that Angela was actually quite scared "...for a while. But do not be afraid please, I promise everything will be alright." He finished and took his wife's hand.

"Yes, my love, I promise." Lillian said and a trace of a smile could be seen on her pale face.

"Yes Mother, yes Father. I promise that I will try to be a good girl but I do not know whether I can manage or not. You know how much I am scared of going to the doctors." Angela said with a stern look on her podgy, blushed face.

"We do, my darling, but it's for your good. You are 13 years old and you really should behave like the elegant, young lady that you are."

"Yes Father. May I be excused to my room?"

"Of course, my child. Goodnight Angela." Her Mother replied.

"Goodnight." Angela said, her eyes brimming with tears. She ran up the stairs and thrust herself on her bed and cried her heart out.

 She ran up the stairs and thrust herself on her bed and cried her heart out

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So that's the prologue and I'm just doing the last touch ups at the moment, checking for spelling/ grammar mistakes etc. but I you spot any then please comment and I'll correct them immediately. This should be published by tomorrow (4.03.17) or Sunday (5.03.17).

Magda xxx

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