We meet once more....In A Dream

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A/N: I'm really sorry I haven't updated.. i know what I want to write but it's been hard getting the right words out on the page.. thank god my writers block is over though, so I hope you enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it, i'm really sorry for the long delay.. I've made this chapter long to make it up to you all! I also may update tomorrow but i havent decided yet.xx p.s I hope you like the picture, I made it for the chapter. :) x

Rose's P.O.V

My hands gently caressed and stroked my swollen neck, brief coughs pushing themselves vigorously from my hoarse, dry throat and briefly it resembled a croaking toad. Grasping my neck with my palms, i can imagine the purple bloches poking at my numb fingertips.

I try to aid my sore, suffering skin but at the moment I realised my attempts deemed useless, I threw my weak arms in the air.

..I guess mainly out of defeat and frustration.

I suddenly realised the beast lying on the ground.. i started to worry if he's dead or alive, getting frantic, i didn't realise my trembling hands were trickling over the circular wound created on the collapsed man... i'm oblivious to the thoughts racing in my mind to run far, far away.

The syringe still sticking deep in his leg, a glowing green and yellow substance inside of it. I'm no doctor but when Mrs Green had to go to the hospital after a small car crash, she was injected with a clear liquid.... They said thats morphine..

So that, inside the man.. is not morphine..

Momentarily I glanced down at my hand, realising there was a tiny burn on my skin. Was that from the syringe? Did it burn me? How is that even possible?

How did it not burn the man's ha-- but my thoughts were interrupted once more with a short hammering at the back of my mind. It feels like small amounts of pressure are being slowly added to my head.. squeezing it tighter and tigher. Yet the increase in pain is gradual. Right now, only a mild discomfort..

"TH--ANK --GO-D F--O-R THA--T!" i croak out into the empty air, relived that the pain is only a incoming migrane and nothing serious. Instantly slapping a hand over my mouth, worried the loud noice would disturb the peice and quiet, sending some briefly overhearing beast rushing into the room to take me away.

looking back down at the man, i felt a sense of guilt wash over me but I couldn't find it in me to remove the needle from the creature's leg, fearing he may wake up if I do... what am I still doing here, I could be caught at any moment...so I quickly rose from my crouching position that I held while hovering over the beastly man. My legs almost sending me crashing to the ground as the weak bones attempted to break in two from such a quick movement made.

I was about to begin thinking up some great escape plan when a alarm set off, sending a loud piercing ring to shoot down my eardrum. The ringing didn't stop.. So without a second to spare, i rush towards the door, thankful the unknown man didn't lock it on his way in.

I threw the huge wooden sheet to one side as if it weighed nothing and began to charge down the grand hallway, all different materials pricking at my heels as i aproached new corridoors, new rooms. I finally managed to find a staircase and began tearing down them when i heard a loud unfimiliar, yet so familiar voice shout out my name.

"ROSE!!" followed my the agitated paniky voice of "COME BACK, please!!"

Not once did i look back or stop for even a second.

I managed to find a door that openened to the outside world and "YES!" its open. The sound of heavy footsteps getting closer and closer to me. So paniking, i grabbed the door handle and pulled with all my might, some unknown strenght emerging from within me and i tore the heavy oak barrier from its hinges.

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