I hate my sister

20 5 14

So my parents explained to my sister multiple times about my wisdom teeth getting removed.
They were taken out this morning.
After 7 hours of pain I finally get to drink soup.
(I wasn't allowed to eat anything because it might mess up the stitches)
The soup takes an hour to make and my mom only made one serving.
So my sister comes up to me while I'm drinking it (I only had taken like 3 sips) and asked if she could have some. I told her it wasn't ramen because she only likes ramen and she doesn't like the soup I'm having. She looked at me and spit in the soup
She's 6
Now, she's in her room waiting for someone to come in and say "it's ok"
She had that cheeky grin kids have when they do something wrong. When we asked her why she did that she said "because he didn't want to share"

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