Been a good run

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Hey everyone, I've had a great time on Wattpad these past few years. But I just feel it's time to move on. I'm sorry if this seems a little sudden but I've been wanting to do this for a few weeks and I figured now was the right time. I'm not gonna delete my profile or anything, I'll just be gone. It's not like
I'm even active anymore. I might come back on from time to time but don't count on it. I'll leave the kik I made at the end of this post if anyone cares to continue talking to me.
Again, thank you everyone. You've made my experience on Wattpad great.
So thank you everyone who made this great. Also I'm not gonna name everyone who made it good because if I talked to you more than once, chances are you are one of those people.
I know I just said I wouldn't mention people but I have to thank Ava for being the first person I really talked to here. So thank you for being there, and I hope all of you will be good in the future

Bye everyone

adam_logan1 is my kik

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