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Finally ending up outside Dick's room.

The door is ajar, so I push it open and step inside a little. Dick is standing in front of his mirror in jeans... and shirtless... his hands in a towel drying his dark hair. Silently I appreciate what I walked into, his body toned and defined, sculpted to perfection. He really has grown up. I guess he is 17 now... I start to notice scars on his upper body, fairly large ones. I immediately wonder how in the world he got them, they aren't exactly your average Joe everyday scars.

I clear my throat to gain his attention, barely stepping over the threshold into his room. He quickly turns, and shows a hint of amusement as my eyes drop to his well defined chest. I quickly flash my eyes up to his, my cheeks reddening. Though I do seem to notice more scars on his front too.

"Hey Babs, what brings you here?" He asks stepping closer to me. Deep breaths Barbara, he's just a boy... a damn shirtless one.

"I uh... I have your laptop, and I'm hoping you've mine," I mutter, giving him a small smile. I hope he can't see my nerves. Damn it, I wish I couldn't feel my nerves. I offer him the case.

"Only one way to find out, hey?" He laughs, "and please, come in, you're as white as snow..." I don't hear the last part, but he steps forwards to retrieve his laptop from my hands.

"What was that Dick?" I quip, refusing to give up the laptop. He just smirks at me. Same old Dick.

Leaning forwards and grabbing the case he whispers in my ear, "apart from your cheeks," and pulls away as I release the laptop. My cheeks heat up even more. He laughs at my facial expression, "you asked for it," he teased, reaching for the other laptop, currently making it's home on his floor. I ignore his comment, he is not going to get to me in that way.

"So can I have my laptop please?" I change the subject, finally stepping into his room as he chucks the computer onto his large bed... like come on I want a bed that size, anyway... he puts the laptop on his bed and pulls a bright blue shirt over his head. Part of me is disappointed, the other part thankful, but whatever I do I can't take my mind off- his scars.

"If you stay for dinner?" he grins, handing my laptop over.

"Dinner?" I clarify, grabbing the laptop, he doesn't release it.

"Yes, dinner Babs," he chuckles, "deal?"

"Why not, I don't want what my Dad left me anyway and Alfred's cooking is too good to refuse," I give in, and he releases the laptop.

"Aw, I thought you'd just stay for my charms," he coos, 'disappointed'.

"What charms?" I ask laughing and starting to leave the room. "Figure we should tell Alfred I'm staying?"

"Ouch, and yes, lets go," he brushes past me, indicating for me to follow him. Once we arrive downstairs and make our way to the kitchen Dick practically sings,

"Alfie, Babs is staying for dinner."

"And was that her choice or yours?" Alfred laughs, turning to us both.

"Depends if she wanted her laptop back or not," Dick teased, shoving me slightly.

"His basically," I laughed along with them. Dick proceeded to pull me, not physically, out of the kitchen. 

"Come on, I've somewhere you'll want to go," he nudges me, heading back upstairs. 

"Okay! Whelm me," I state, laughing. 

"Dick, is that a female voice I heard? What a rare occurrence," a deep voice states, out of view, "Ah, Barbara! What a pleasant surprise, good to see you again!" Bruce remarks, turning the corner. He shares a mischievous look with Dick, I begin to over analyse it as usual.   

"It's nice to see you too Bruce," I smile at him, nodding my head. 

"Have fun kids," he chuckles, disappearing down the stairs. 

"Come on," Dick urges, making his way through the maze of hallways. We come to a dark room and step inside, Dick closes the door behind us. I look around the dust covered room, it obviously doesn't get used much. The only light that enters is between the crack in the drawn curtains. 

"What exactly is so special about the room?" I ask raising an eyebrow. He just laughs at me before opening an attic door above our heads. I make an 'O' shape with my mouth and he pulls down the ladder, gesturing for me to climb up it. I do so and then wait for him to join me. It's literally pitch black, I can't not see anything out of reach from the light being provided by the hatch. I feel Dick reaching towards me, so I offer him my hand and he takes it, pulling me through the midnight darkness. I hear him fiddling with something and then my eyes are flooded with light, I cover my eyes, as he gently pulls me through the door way. My vision returns as my eyes adjust to the light of the sun setting. We're on his roof, and I must say the view is gorgeous. The reds, oranges and pinks merging together. 

"It's wonderful," I state, letting go of his hand and stepping forwards. He always did have a knack for adventure, even if it's just a roof top.  

"I told you," he smirks, taking a seat near the edge of the roof. I copy him, and we chat. For a long time, it was well needed, and for the first time in a long time, I'm relatively content. Just as we're getting ready to go back down for dinner, Dick grabs my arm. 

"Hey Babs, Edward is having a party tomorrow night. Would you want to join us?" Dick asks. Oh, Edward is a story alright, but for now I'll go with a cocky jock. Dick, having money and all, was gladly accepted by the more 'popular' boys at school over the last couple of years. As I've just heard from our little chat, some of them are actually decent fellas. 

"Okay, but not too late," I agree, slightly reluctant, but wanting to make amends with Dick. How bad can it be?

"Of course, I'll pick you up at 8?" he asks. He can drive now (I'm going off Aussie rules, learners at 16, P's at 17), that had slipped my mind. "Babs?"

"Oh yes, sorry, of course, sounds good," I smile at him and we head back inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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