Prom Buddies *part two*

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Ryan is writing down his homework assignment when Brendon walks into the room as soon as the bell rings. Of course, Ryan isn't surprised because Brendon is simply too busy with his friends to get to class on time. God forbid he ever actually comes in before the bell rings, but whatever. It's not like Ryan really cares or anything.

He doesn't acknowledge Brendon when he sits down and lets out a long sigh. He just keeps his view straight up and straight down, not letting it drift to his left so he would get distracted and–

"Ryan, what does it say after 'and'? 'P.T.', I think? What does that mean?" Brendon asks, looking over at his lab partner.

Really, he tries not to sigh that loud, but seriously? Is this boy serious? "Periodic Table, I'm guessing. Since we are in a science class," Ryan deadpans, his view going over to Brendon and ohmygodwhatthefuckisthis.

Brendon's wearing these. These thick, black ground glasses, and his eyes look more brown than usual, and they're wide and his lips are gently pursed, and what the fuck.

Ryan swallows and tries to hide that he did, because his mouth gets oddly dry and his eyes are, like, this weird kind of surprised look but this is totally not cool. It's really not, and, like. Why the fuck is he wearing glasses anyway? He's never worn glasses since, like, freshmen year or something (Ryan doesn't really remember, not really) and then he definitely got contacts. So what the hell is he wearing these goddamn glasses for? God, Ryan's stomach totally dropped. Totally.

"Um, right. Sorry, I knew that. I just, you know, I forgot and all." Brendon's lips are tight as he looks away and continues copying his homework on the board. And, what? Since when does he do that?

Ryan watches as Brendon rips the paper out of his notebook and fold it, sliding it in his pocket. He sees the small slip of skin between Brendon's gray spotted, meshed shirt and his suffocating jeans with a belt tight around his lower hips. And. What, what the hell is Ryan doing? He's checking out Brendon Urie, oh god, he feels like a fucking girl. Seriously. A girl.

He doesn't say anything to Brendon, just turns away again and copies down the do now assignment on the board before beginning to work on it. When he's half way done, he takes another pathetic glance at Brendon, and is ridiculously surprised to see him around the same position he is in the problem. And, okay. This is all really weird, because Brendon is actually doing something in this class, and he hasn't even looked over at Ryan's paper. (Because it is totally obvious when he tries to peek at Ryan's paper.)

This is all really weird.

But, Ryan doesn't care. He's not here to stare at Brendon do his work, he's here to pass this class and not care about some stupid thing like Brendon doing his own classwork once in a blue moon.

The teacher announces that she's going to come around to collect the homework. Ryan already has his homework on the corner of his desk, and he notices that Brendon doesn't move or anything. Of course, why would Ryan think any differently? He lets out a sigh and seriously decides that, now, right now, he will not care what Brendon does. Just because Ryan is a little impressed that Brendon is doing some work doesn't mean anything. It seriously doesn't.

The teacher walks down the row and gets to Ryan and Brendon, smiling at Ryan when he hands her the sheet of finished homework. She looks down at Brendon and clears his throat a little. "Brendon?"

Immediately he moves his head up and looks at her, his eyes just as wide as before, and what the hell. "Yes?"

"Do you have your homework?" she asks, her voice not hopeful at all because Brendon never has his homework. She's forced to ask because it's her job, but she has no hope at all.

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