Chapter 2

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   The hill had a trail, obviously disused over years of abandonment. And the cave itself had an eerie glow emanating from it, like that of fluorescent bulbs. Dim lighting, dark and spooky uninviting cave close to midnight; perfect for four teens looking for an adventure.
   They walked in single file through the narrow opening, Lex and Sylver hand in hand, Daren going first. It wasn't because Daren was brave, the brave one was Lex, they all knew that. But at the moment he was first on the kill list. The one they had silently decided should be the first to go. All jokes, nobody actually wanted Daren to die. No matter how big of an asshole he acted like, he was their friend. Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind. No matter how bad you screw up.
   About seven steps in, the cave began to open up into an actual cave, the room rounding out and continuing on with a darkened hall at the back. Delilah laid a stick by the entry upon crossing through, not wanting to get turned around. Delilah always thought ahead. She was smart and sensible most of the time, rarely making stupid decisions.

   They separated and began looking around the space, the walls far enough away to where you had to walk to get a good view, the light barely enough to see with. The light itself seemed to be coming from nowhere and everywhere all at once.

   She sat in the dirt at the very center of the room. "Wow," she muttered, almost silent if not for the echos that resounded.Delilah and Sylver joined her on the floor, each sighing in wonder. The room seemed to be full of a sort of energy. A certain magic to the place.

   Lex closed her eyes, the room black. At least, Lex thought she closed her eyes. Sylver tensed up beside her. The air in the room seemed to drop three degrees. The sound of shuffling footsteps could be heard along the back of the cave.

   "Daren, you dick! Stop walking around and scaring everyone!" The voice belonged to Delilah, surprisingly. She was usually the calm one in situations such as these, but after the night they'd had, Lex didn't blame her.

   "I'm over here. Are you telling me that-" His voice cut out, replaced with a cool swishing sound and an explosion of a warm sticky substance that coated them, Lex and Delilah mostly. There was silence. And then a scream. A brutal, guttural, animalistic scream that twisted Lex's insides. And it didn't stop.

   The sound seemed to drag on hours, before finally being cut off by another swoosh and spatter of warmth. Nobody dared speak, they had all forgotten how to breathe, forgotten how to move. Lex's mind screamed at her to run. But she couldn't move, fear had rooted her to the spot.

There was a sound of slurping, and then the grating sound of metal scraping against metal. The shuffling steps faded back and suddenly the room flashed with a blinding light. There, in front of them, was a gruesome scene. Daren lay still, guts pooling around him, a wicked slash across his throat, blood pooling around his head like a halo.

The worst part was the bows. What appeared to be his small intestines had been wrapped around each limb, knotted into a gory bow of sorts, a smile painted in blood over his face, his green eyes quickly loosing their light.

He was still alive. Lex turned away and began running. She grabbed Delilah and Sylver and pulled them along. Soon enough they were all running, tearing through the woods, breath fanning out in front of them with every exhale.

They ran as fast as they could whilst avoiding trees, tacked up every fifty or so feet were crude childish drawings, reminding them just how horrible of an idea it was to visit the woods in the first place.

Nobody stopped, nobody even slowed until they were in the car, driving away from the woods. Daren's car left behind, not even thought about as they got on the road leading back into town. They passed the memoriam stuck in the ground, the cemetery by the entrance to town, and the McDonalds three blocks from their road.

"Your both staying at my place tonight." Delilah's voice was shaky and and quiet, but nobody dared argue with her. Lex herself would be greatful for the company that the group provided.

They trudged up the steps, feet feeling like lead and hearts still hammering from the fear and sudden sprinting. The lock clicked and the door opened, the house dark, the only sound coming from the TV Delilah had left on. This was her parents house, they were away on a business trip three states over, due back a week from tomorrow evening.

Lex numbly sat down on the couch, shock from the events of the las hour leaving her paralyzed. Sylver sat next to her, gently placing his hand on her leg and rubbing comforting circles with his thumb.

"What the fuck happens now?" Her voice was barely a whisper, eyes blankly staring forwards, her face emotionless; except for the tears welling in her eyes. Ohana meant family, family meant nobody gets left behind, and she had left him. While e was still alive. While e was still capable of being saved. She did nothing, and the guilt was crushing her.

   Sylver pulled her close and and held her silently, the only sounds being the shaky breaths and light sobs. Delilah rubbed her face, groaning in annoyance and aggravation. Sylver seemed the least effected by the tragedy.

   But his girlfriend almost died and he watched the light fade from his close friends eyes. He knew he would never forget the image of his best friend dying in front of him.

   Lex cried until she couldn't cry anymore, she couldn't believe the events of the evening. It felt like a dream. No, it was more like a nightmare. Whatever had happened in the woods, Lex just wanted to forget.

   "I-I don't want to go to jail," Delilah whispered, stuttering slightly. "Do we tell someone? Should we tell someone?"

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