Things you should probably know about me

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I realize that this is gonna delve into my deep thoughts. Those thoughts are gonna relate to facts about me. Facts I may keep to myself. You're gonna need to know those, so here we are. I'm telling the internet things that I haven't told my closest friend. I am insane aren't I?

Positive stuff!

• I have been told that I can sing really well, I don't believe it but that's what I've been told

• I have been officially in love with someone for around a month and I don't care who knows it (Yes I do, I just wanted the Elf reference)

• I have the worlds best friends ever, seriously, they are the sweetest people I know. (That better have made you guys blush)

• I give really good advice for some reason. Apparently its a gift from the heavens

• I love making my friends happy, it's the highlights of my day if I can make them laugh

Just plain ol' facts

• My current favorite songs are "Ghost" and "Freaking out" by Mystery Skulls and "Kill Yourself" by Bo Burnham (It's not what it sounds like)

• My favorite colors are Purple, Green, and Turquoise

• I have never watched a single anime, but I have watched three Anime-styled shows, Teen Titans, Avatar: the Last Airbender, and Legend of Korra

• I pretend to be "Anxiety" in a strange little role playing thing I do with my friends, ala Thomas Sanders

• I love to read, especially Medieval Fantasy, or anything to do with the Supernatural

• I have five favorite animals, Wolves, Cats, Peregrine Falcons, Barn Owls, and Bats

• I fence, and try to get others to fence with me

• I do volunteer work at my local farm, Ambler Farm

• I go, unwillingly, to a therapist once a week on Mondays

• I can't stand Pity

• I am Biromantic and Acesexual.

• Physical contact with a person I trust makes me feel safe.

• I am a Sagittarius

Negative stuff

• I have Anxiety disorder, with a side of Social Anxiety and a drink of Panic Disorder (because that's a thing)

• I hate myself half the time, I honestly have the self confidence of Pre-Earthlings Amethyst

• I can't stand making someone the least bit anxious or worried. If I do, it makes my whole day worse, causes me to have an anxiety attack, and question whether or not I'm a burden to everyone around me.

•  I have been forced out of wearing a favorite piece of clothing because of the attention, teasing, and bulling its brought me.

• I have cried myself to sleep at least three times over the last two months and have once gone an entire week feeling like nothing.

• I know I have been lucky enough to not hear about this personally, but my school is a little homophobic, and that just is horrible and annoying

• Two people I considered my best friend have left me behind in life and both times I didn't want to get out of bed for weeks.

• I have the world's shortest temper

I think that's it... why do I write these things in the middle of the night?
- Storm in the Sky

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