A writing prompt responce

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So, I'm on Tumblr. A lot. And one of the more popular users is writing_propmt_s
They give writing prompts. Well I actually wrote a small story for one. And WaveSorcerer14 said I should post it on here. So, here. (This isn't gonna be a thing)

Here's the prompt:

And here's my story:

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And here's my story:

I am one of the worlds most talented assassins. No one can tie me to a crime, but they all know I did it. Anyone can find me, if they know where to look.

I wasn't expecting a costumer that day. It was a day in the middle of September. School had just started and no giant holidays were coming up. It was my slow season. I was at the "office"-really just an old set leftover from a PI film-because I had nothing better to do than sharpen my old throwing knives. I must have looked seriously intimidating when she walked in.

A little girl, with a serious cross dressing addiction and shortish hair, was in my door way. A determined expression on her face. She looked my dead in the eye as she pulled out around 17 dollars and handed it to me.

Unsure of what was going on, I asked her, "Little Lass, what are you trying to pull? You do know where you are, right?".

To my surprise, she replied in a deeper voice than I expected,
"Yes, I know where I am. I want you to assassinate my father", she replied coldly. I wasn't sure why she'd ask this of me. What could her father have done?

"Little girl, if your dad took away your toys, that's no reason to kill him. Come back if you have reason".

The little girls voice wavered as she said, "He didn't take away my toys, he-he-", she started to bawl her eyes out, "HE HURT MOMMY AND DROVE HER OUT. SHE COULDN'T TAKE ME WITH HER, AND NOW MY DAD HITS ME, AND TELLS ME HOW I CAN NEVER BE A TRUE GIRL, AND HE'S HORRIBLE AND DESERVES TO DIE!"

I was hit with realizations. This girls father was an abusive shit. She was skipping school, a crime surely to be repaid with a nasty beating, in order to see me so her father could be killed. She was bawling her eyes out, so she wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. Her now shaking hand was still holding her money out, probably saved from looting the couch every night. I gently pushed the money back at her, "Keep the money"


"And stay in school as long as possible tomorrow, I don't want you to be implicated in this"
Lily wasn't sure what to expect when she got home. She had followed the assassins advice, and had done her best to stay away as long as possible. Staying behind to help her teachers, walking home as slow as humanly possible. She had hoped it was long enough.

When Lily finally got home, she opened the door and called out to her dad. When she got no answer her eyes lit up. Perhaps the assassin had done their job! She ran to the living room where her father usually sat, drunk as the fiery pits of hell would allow, and gasped.

There was her father, beer bottle in hand, eyes glazed over, and a familiar throwing knife, stabbed perfectly between two ribs where his heart was.

Lily called the police, and when they came they were baffled about why the assassin decided to kill this random guy. He seemed harmless enough. "If only they knew", Lily thought, "if only they knew"

Lily was sent to live with her adoring mother, who raised her to become a beautiful woman.

And if you asked the retired assassin what their favorite job was, they'd tell you it was the one where they helped a little girl

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