Ace shit #2

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So, while there are many Aces out in the world that are, at this moment, celebrating their sexuality.

However, there are many people who don't know they're Ace. It's anyone's fault, they just don't know.

I think that's kinda cool. Imagine going through your life without knowing, say, about space and the reaches beyond the stars. To you now, you most likely consider it to be really important or just common knowledge, but if you didn't know, it would never effect you. You might appreciate the night sky and how pretty it is, and every now and again you'd wonder about it, but you'd probably just go on with your life until you met someone who decided to explain it to you (in a nice way), decide to figure it out yourself (which not many people would do, actually), or just until you died.

That's kinda like not knowing you're ace. You know you're missing out in something that everyone else knows, but it'll probably never be a big thing in your personal life so you just move on with it.

At least, that's my experience with it.

I never really understood the whole concept of "Hot". Could someone explain? I legitimately want to know. I prefer the compliments "pretty" or "beautiful" if you want to compliment someone on their looks. I also don't get the concept of "sexy". I know (kinda) what makes someone considered "sexy" but why?

I dunno, maybe Im just not good at this kinda thing.

Makes for good puns though.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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