3. Casey

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❥ 3. Casey

 preclude: to make impossible; to rule out

"Hello?! Annabelle?!" his voice screamed from the other end.

"No, it's Casey," I said calmly. The amount of love this guy has for the girl is barf worthy. I'd thought I'd have a chance with him before, but after realizing how much he loves her, I'd given up. Our chances of a relationship were precluded. "Still at work?" I asked.

He sighed. "Yeah... Have you seen Annabelle?" She's been ignoring him for a week now. Who knows what kind of stupid argument they got in. He wouldn't tell me and kept saying he didn't know. Being the diva that she is, Annabelle probably got mad at him for forgetting the 'e' in her name again.

"No, I haven't," I said flatly. "What's wrong?"

"She's still ignoring my calls." Good riddance, I thought. "I just tried calling her again and-"

 I cut in, trying to hide my happiness. "Are you on break?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Then take a break. Don't sit here waiting for her to call you back. Read a book or something."

"I don't bring books with me. You know that-"

"Then take a nap or something."

"Stop interrupting me, Case!" he said, chuckling. I started laughing too and enjoyed the relationship we shared. "Thanks, Case," he said.

"What for?" I asked, confused.

"Thanks for being like a little sister to me. I love you, Case."

"I love you, too, Jason." Not as a brother, but as a guy, I wanted to add. I loved him far too much. He'd never know. He hasn't known for 10 years. 

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