13. Chase

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ღ 13. Chase

I pressed the letters on the florescent screen of my phone to spell out my message.

Where are you? I messaged to Annabelle.

Soon after, she messaged me back, Car broke down. At the shop. Sorry! ♥ I pressed the lock button of my phone and made a u-turn on the empty road. I drove back to the company.

I entered the tall, glass windowed building. A carpet that reads ‘Château Franc’ lies on the ground. I walked on it while it made soft bristle sounds against my shoes.

“Good morning, Mr. Montgomery,” the woman behind the desk greeted me. I simply smiled at her but that minute action sent her cheeks into flames. I rolled my eyes while she looked down in embarrassment. I caught sight of her name tag that says Claire.

“Good morning, Claire,” I replied as I walked toward the elevators. I can almost hear the sounds of her squealing internally and wondering how I knew her name. Typical girl, I thought.

Ding! The elevator sounded as I reached the familiar floor. As I walked down the hall lined with cubicles, employees greeted me from left and right.

“Good morning, Mr. Montgomery.”

“Did you have a good breakfast, Mr. Montgomery?”

“How are you today, Mr. Montgomery?”

I answered all of their greetings with the same smile. When I approached a more familiar desk, I paused to pay particular attention to him.

“Hello, Chase. Looking good, as usual,” he greeted. I smiled and leaned against the wall of his cubicle.

“Hello Mr. Withers. How are you today?” I responded. He nodded with a smile and stood up to greet me eye to eye.

“Great. Have you seen Annabelle today?” he inquired.

“No, I haven’t.” He frowned slightly. “Her car broke down and she’s having someone fix it right now.” He nodded in understanding as the information sunk in.

“Is she okay?”

“She’s fine. Her car’s just a tad old,” I explained.

“Oh, yes. Of course. Her car isn’t as great as yours. What is it again? A silver lam…lam…”

“Lamborghini,” I corrected him.

“Ah yes! How could I forget! Great cars are owned by great people!” he said smiling.

“I won’t bother you anymore, Mr. Withers. I’ll get going now.” I started to walk away but he held my elbow.

“Do send your father my regards, Chase. We’re family, right?” I nodded with a smile and continued to walk away.

 As I walked down the hall, smiling as usual, I neared the secretary’s desk.

“… your name?! Oh my gosh!” she squealed most likely to the woman downstairs. I cleared my throat and she hung up the phone without a proper goodbye.

“Good morning, Mr. Montgomery. Here to see your father?” she asked while adjusting her clothes. I nodded and she pressed a button. “Mr. Montgomery, your son is here to see you.”

She opened the doors and allowed me inside.

“Ah! Hello! Son!” my father greeted enthusiastically. “What brings you here?”

“Bored. Nothing much.”

“Well feel free to hang around!” I laughed in return and started wandering around his office, occasionally laying on either one of his four sofas.

“How’s it going with that girl?” my father asked. I proceeded to lie down on the fourth sofa. This one was the best so far and the softest of the four.

“She’s fine,” I replied.

“I didn’t ask how she was. Is she still trying to dig you out?” he pressed.

I sighed and answered, “Yep. But let it go, dad. I’ll handle it.” He nodded and sighed.

“I just hope you don’t give in to her. The only thing you can get from her is negativity. Her father’s barely holding on to support the both of them. You can’t keep playing around with-”

“Dad, I got it.”

“She’s only going to bring you down, Chase.”

“I know, dad. I know.”

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