23. Jason

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23. Jason

“Eating alone today, miss?” I ask the female sitting before me. She was the girl who made me extremely uncomfortable with her boyfriend on multiple occasions. They reminded me of my relationship with Annabelle too much so it was strange to see her alone today.

“Yep,” she says with a coy smile. “He’s busy today.”

“Well, what a shame,” her eyes brighten in confusion. “He’s letting such a beautiful girl eat by herself.”

She scoffs. “Is it that weird that I’m eating alone?” I nod and she laughs. “By the way, why do you have two jobs?”

“So you’ve noticed, huh?”

“Just like how you noticed how alone I am.”

I let out a light laugh. “There are some things I have to take care of. Cruel world.” She nods slowly in understanding.

“It’s a cruel world alright,” she adds.

“So, what will you be having today, miss?”


“Yessir!” I run up to my manager. It was rare for him to call me out like this.

“Find this gentleman a seat.” I look at the man in front of me and then at the restaurant. The restaurant was jam packed today. “Yep, it’s all full,” he adds after I’ve finished looking around. See if anyone’s willing to share a table with him. You don’t mind sharing a table, do you sir?” The man shakes his head. “Great,” my manager says while pushing me back into the restaurant area. 

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