Midnight Love**prt3**

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Heya, sorry it's only short :D




"Okay!!! What is up with your outfit?!" Mad shouted looking me up and down with a look of disgust. We had just turned the corner from my mom and Anna, but in all fairness..... It was a pretty bad outfit for me.

"I really get what you mean and everything but, it was the first thing I could find when I woke up this morning and I only had 10minutes to get ready." I said with a hopeful smile at my two friends.

"ARE YOU MAD!? That is the worst outfit I've ever seen you wear OUTSIDE!" Leon said with a disapproving look. I smiled at her, amused by their over reaction to an outfit.

"Calm down! We can go get something to eat and then go back to my place. Okay??" I said to them starting to walk away from them.

"Wait up! Wait up!" I heard Mad shout as she linked her arm through mine.

"You're forgiven Pasta!" Leon said and then we all burst out laughing. She'd been calling me that every once in awhile since she found out I has part Italian.

"Okay okay!" I said trying to calm them down. "I don't know about you but I fancy some pizza!" I said grinning at them and licking my lips, as I started walking faster towards Eat Central.

"YEAH!" Leon shouted and started to walk a little faster than me.

"I LOVE PIZZA!" Mad said starting to skip, I laughed and joined in skipping with her and then Leon joined in and we started to sing 'The wonderful Wizard of Oz'.

We got to the pizza stall 5minutes later, I ordered chicken pizza, Leon ordered plain pizza and Mad ordered Hawaiian pizza. We also got three Iron Brews and made our way to a table.

"Okay, I'd choose Edward and Jacob because they're both AMZINGLY hot in their own ways." I said as we were eating our pizza's and talking about twilight.

"NO!!! Jacob any day! I mean, who wouldn't want a cute wolf to snuggle up to of a night?!" Madi said while banging her first on the table and once again drawing people's attention to us.

"Okay okay.... I'd rather have none! Edward has a squished face and a dodgy nipple! And Jacob to full of himself! I mean he just takes his shirt off whenever! I mean who does that!?" Leon said with taking a sip of her Iron Brew.

"WHAT!?" Me and Mad both screamed at the same time.

"But Edward's a VAMPIRE! I mean that's awesome! And Carlisle, I mean COME ON!" I said with wide eyes.

"And Jacob has a six pack! A FREAKING SIX PACK LEON!" Mad said as she banged her fist on the table again.

"Whoa Whoa! Calm down!" Leon said looking rather scared. Then all of a sudden we burst out laughing.

"You guys are sooooo weird!" I said, and then the laughter stopped, they looked at me and glared. Okay, I knew what was coming next. I quickly squeaked and stood up and bolted it.

"Come back here Maria Pasta!" Mad said as I heard their seats drag back across the floor and then their foot steps following me. I laughed as I ran though the food court. I heard Mad and Leon shouting as my name as I ran faster and laughed harder. There was a sort of da je vou feel about this.

I turned my head around to look how far away they were when all of sudden I felt myself collide with someone else.

"Excuse me." I said as I stood up, I looked down in embarrassment.

All of a sudden I felt arms wrap around my waist and I felt cold lips on my ears whispering, "I did tell you not to run." My eyes widened, I gasped and pulled out of his arms.

I looked up into his face and saw him with an evil smirk on his face. He had pale skin, black hair and piercing gray eyes. "Who are you?" I asked him, as I backed slowly away from him.

"I think you know exactly who I am.....Maria." He said smirking at me once more. I shook my head moving back more.


Hope you liked it!





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