Chapter One- America POV

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HEY GUYS! This is my first Wattpad story, not really sure what I'm doing. Reviews much appreciated! Takes place the morning after Halloween. Maxerica friendly, but not lemony. 

I woke up the morning after Hallowe'en with a warm feeling in my stomach and my arms wrapped around May. Maxon's words swam inside my head, and I smiled happily.

My maids crept in so quietly I didn't notice them until Anne tapped on my shoulder gently. 

"Lady America?" she whispered.

I rolled over and owned my eyes. Anne looked extremely solemn, and Lucy was holding a white garment bag while Mary shook May awake. . 

"What's going on?" she mumbled sleepily. 

"You need to go to your parents, Miss May," Mary replied.

May got up, looking st me in confusion while I mirrored her expression. But she grabbed her robe and padded out of the room, her usual joy gone.

"What's  really going on?" I asked. "Maybe you wouldn't tell May, but I command you to let me now." 

"I'm sorry, my lady," Lucy said. "Our orders came from much higher." 

They bathed me, massaging my scalp softly but still slightly rushed. Lucy trembled as she put jasmine in the hot water. Mary drew in jagged breaths as she rubbed in my shampoo. Anne's forehead knitted together as she dried my hair. 

I started worrying a lot more, however, when Lucy revealed the dress inside the garment bag. It was understated, simple... and black. I began to cry before they even told me who I was mourning. 

"My lady?" Mary ran over and stroked my back soothingly. 

"Who's died?" I choked out. "Who's died?" 

"I think we should put on the dress," Anne said, averting my question. But for once, I didn't push my case, because I kinda didn't want to know. Fore knowledge is dangerous.

Mary slipped the dress over my head, doing up the buttons. Lucy put up my hair, her fingers trembling slightly. Anne applied a thin layer of make up to disguise my pale face. 

Soon, I was ready. And terrified.


My heels echoed around the hallway as I made my way to the other Elite, who stood waiting with some guards. My parents and May stood behind them, somber expressions on their faces. 

"That's the fifth," a guard said. "Let's go ladies." 

As we set off, our families behind, I glanced  around. "Surely there were still six of us? Then I realised as I looked. Kriss wasn't here. 

A knot tightened on my stomach. Why all this secrecy. All this formality? Was Kriss gone? If so, why were we dressed in black? Or was this the protocol for eliminations in the Elite? 

Hundreds of questions raced through my head, but I was too nervous to ask them. And soon, it was too late. We arrived at the large front doors -wide open for the first time in my stay- and went outside, each of us (Celeste, Marlee, Natalie, Elise and myself) escorted by a solemn guard. 

We were paraded out of the place, down the circular driveway and through the palace walls. Despite my anxiety, I suddenly felt excited as the roar of a large crowd reached us.

Hundreds, maybe even thousands of people were crowded together in front of a large platform. Children were on the shoulders of their parents. Cameras were positioned around the platform, and the Elite and our families were led to a row of seats right in front of it.

As the crowd cheered and threw I'd flowers, I felt silly for worrying. The staff at the palace should really think about the way they handled the Elite. All this anxiety for nothing.

However, when we sat down, a guard on either side, I noticed for the first time two strange contraptions on a raised part of the platform. One was a strange 'A' shape; the other a Woden block with loops on either end. I frowned, trying to figure all this pit.

The people erupted as the King, queen and Maxon walked out. They sat on the left hand side of the platform, slightly above all the action? Their faces were stony, and I swallowed uncomfortably.

I looked at Maxon, willing him to smile or wink or tug his ear. If he did, then surely everything was alright. But he didn't. His face remained like ash. 

Without warning, the crowd hissed and booed as two hunched over figures were dragged out and onto the platform by guards.

The first person was Kriss. Her fall-themed dress was muddy and cut around the knees. Her hair was ruffled and sticking out in odd directions. Her cheeks were flushed from crying, her eyes puffy. But her eyes raked across the Elite, and I kbew who she was looking for.

Beside me, her parents were huddled together, their faces chalk white. Her mom looked as if she'd wept a lot, whereas the father was on the point of breaking down in public. And still he wrapped his arms around her frail body and whispered soothingly in one ear.

I looked back at Kriss and noticed the second figure, a male. I nearly threw up as the green eyes locked with mine. 


  Thanks for reading! Dramatic ending, but maybe you could see it coming? More drama in the next chapter, and Maxerica after that, I promise!


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