Not Every Idea Will End Up A Story

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Just because you feel an idea is awesome and deserves it’s own multi-chaptered work, does not make it so. Personally, I have entire notebooks scribbled with ideas that I’ve had that haven’t been developed further. I have tendency to keep these. They are still valuable. Just because those ideas do not work in what I am writing that moment, does not mean that they won’t work in a future piece of writing.

Furthermore, it’s okay to start an idea and get stuck halfway through. It happens all the time. I tend to just put that story away for awhile and give my brain a rest from it. Then I can look at it with fresh eyes, and feel more comfortable about writing it. This happened with my Harry Potter story “Legitimement Maries”. I took a 6-month break in the middle of it simply because I was sick of writing it, and I found that the quality of my writing improved after the break.

Slightly relating to this is the issue of sequels. I don’t write sequels unless I believe that I have enough plot for one. A few under-developed ideas do not count towards making a good sequel. Even if I have dozens of readers asking for a sequel, I don’t give in for the sake of my ego. Having a polished piece of work that I am proud of is far more important to me than just giving a reader what they want to hear.

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