Chapter 9

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Sam's P.O.V

It's Friday, which means Gabe is leaving today. For spme reason the reality of it didn't hit me until now. It Friday. Gabe's leaving for war. I might never see him again but if I'm lucky I will in at least half a year. We just parked got to the airport thank to the impala. Dean drove us down with Cas in the passenger seat. I chose tos it in the back with Gabe who was currently clinging to me, scared, but too proud to say it. I put his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together. He looks up at me and I smile. 

"Hey. Everything's gonna be okay. You'll be okay." I try to reassure him. He sighs. 

"I know that. You on the other hand..." He trailed off. 

"Ah, don't you worry about Sammy. He'll be alright. He's got me and Cas to watch him!" Dean butt in. Gabe rolled his eyes. 

"Great. Now I'm even more worried." Dean scoffed, feighning offendanse. 

"Ouch." He says, putting his hand to his heart. Gabe chuckles slightly before leaning back onto me. I smile down at him and kiss his head. It became silent in the car, the four of us just sitting in the parking lot, no one really wanting to get out because then it'd all be too real. 

"Guys." Cas says. "We do have to get out at some point." So reluctantly, we did. We walked into the airport and all the way to the area where it was time to part ways. Gabe left to find the bathroom and get changed into uniform. When he walked out I could feel tears spring to my eyes. He sighs, "How do I look?" 

"You look great." I tell him. To be fair, he really does. 

"Flight 144 will be leaving in thirty minutes." A woman;s voice says over intercom. 

"That's my flight....I guess this is where we say see you soon." I don't want to say goodbye. He hugs Dean first. 

"Hey, don't you dare die out there kid. I mean it. We all need you." Gabe smiled, "I know. I'll try my best." 

"No you'll do everything you got you hear me?" Gabe nods, "og course. Next is Cas. He hugs him tight, the hug lasting longer than it did with Dean. 

"You'll be okay brother." Cas says, always so formal. He places his hand on Gabe cheek, letting his thumb run across a lot of his features. He's probablt trying to keep his memory of what abe look like in his head one last time. Just in case..... Gabe sighs. "You too big bro. You and Dean better take care of Sam for me, and don't go easy on him. Don't fall for that just one more crap." Cas nods, hugging Gabe one last time. Finally, it's my turn. I hold him close to my chest and he returns the feeling. I don't want to let go. I don't know if I'll ever see him again. I bury my face in his hair. "Hey it's gonna be alright." He reassured me. 

"I should be telling you that." 

He just smiles and moves away a bit so that he can face me. "We'll be okay. Listen to Cas and Dean alright?" I nod. "Good." He presses his lips to mine. We kiss like it's our last because it very well could be. 

"Flight 144 will be leaving in twenty minutes. All passengers should start taking their seats." The intercom lady spoke. That's when we pulled apart. 

"That's my cue." Gabe gave me on last kiss on the cheek. "I love you Sammy."

"I love you too." 

Gabe turn to leave but i grab his hand. "Wait. I have something for you." I reach into my pocket and pull out a chain with a pair of wooden wings painted gold dangling from it. 

"I thought you might want something to remember us by."

"Did you make this?"

"I carved it. Cas painted it and dean chose the colour." 

Gabe smiles and hugs me one last time before slipping the chain over his head and putting it under his shirt. "Thank you." He then pulls out a ring. It's just a simple silver strip of metal but it means so much. "This is a promise ring. A promise that I'll always love you no matter what happens." He places it in the palm of my hand and I clutch it tightly. 

We smile at each other before he turns away.  I want to reach out to him and grab him. Pull him back and beg him not to go. I want him to turn around and stay. But he doesn't. I watch him walk until I can't see him anymore. Dean rests a hand on my shoulder. 

"It's time to go buddy." I sigh and nod, making my way back to the impala. Once we get back to Gabe's I grab a pen and sketch a little heart on my wrist. I sigh,collapsing onto his bed. 

Dean's P.O.V

As soon as we reach Cas' home Sam goes up to Gabe's room. I sigh and sit next to Cas on the couch. He curls up to me, plopping his legs over my lap. I pull him into my lap instead and he lays on my chest, resting his head in the crook of my neck. I smile down at him, playing with his hair at the back of his head. He hums happily.

 "That feels nice." He says. 

"Good." I kiss his head as he starts tracing patterns onto my chest. 

"Do you think Gabe will be alright?

"Of course he will. Gabes strong. He'll be alright." 

"What about Sam?"

"He'll get better. He wants to get better. Don't worry Cas. It'll be alright."  He sits up, brushing his thumb across my cheek. I stare into his pale grey eyes. Like a thin cloud over the vibrant blue hue they used to be. 

"Maybe we should go get him." He says. "We could all hang out down here and watch movies or something. I just don't think that he should be alone."

"You can't watch movies."

"I can listen." I chuckle. "Alright." I say, setting him down next to me and getting up, going to Sammy. I tap my knuckles against the door before walking in. 

"Hey. Why don't you come downstairs with me and cas? Well have a slumber party." Sam sighs and rolls over to face me. "Yeah alright I guess." I smirks and walk back down to find Cas trying to make a palette of blankets on the floor as if this really was a slumber party. I role my eyes and quietly lay down beside his hunched over form before quickly grabbing his waist and rolling so I have him pinned below me. He sqeaks, like actually squeaks and I laugh into his chest. 

"Dean! You scared the hell outta me!" 

"Sorry." I say, trying to calm my giggling. You're just so adorable." He blushes and grumbles.

"Uh, am I interrupting?"

I look to the side to see Sam standing there awkwardly, playing with the sleeves on the sweatshirt he's put on. I've never seen it before so it must be Gabe's. "Nah." I say rolling off Cas. "Go make some popcorn. But first what do you want to watch?"

"I dont know man just no romance."

"Old school western movie it is then." I crawl over to the movie shelf as Sam goes into the kitchen. I grab "Stagecoach" and put it in. Cas starts to set pillows up, finishing what he was doing before. I smirk as I'm sitting behind him and he's on his hands and knees. I can't help myself. I smack him ass lightly. He growls at me. "Dean. Really?" I laugh. 

"Hey man. It's a good view. Besides you gotta claim what's yours." 

"Oh really?" He says turning towards me.

"Hell yeah."

He smirks to himself before removing everything but a t-shirt and his boxers. I do the same after putting the movie in. I then join him under the blankets. Soon enough Sam joins us as well. I put my arm out so Cas can rest his head on my shoulder. He rolls so he's kind of spooning my side and pulls the blankets up to his chin. By the end of the movie I fnid that Sam's asleep and I thought that Cas was too. That is, until I feel his hand rest on my crotch, palming me lightly. "Cas!" I whisper yell. Seriously? Sammy is right there. "You gotta claim what's yours Dean." He then stops, returning to his position before. "Goodnight Dean." I shake my head. "Bitch." He just hums happily, kissing my chest. I sigh, giving in and wrap my other arm over his waist. "Goodnight baby." 

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