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Anxiety's POV:

(from now on when speaking, Thomas's speach is normal, Prince/Roman's speach is in italics, Anxiety's speach is in bold, Logan/Logic's speach is underlined, and Morality/Patton's speach is underlined italics)

i woke up in Princey's room, my torso, arms, and legs wraped up in what i could only assume were gause bandages. i looked at Princey, he was looking at me, a worried look on his face. he had blood all over him, which i quickly realized was my own blood. he then noticed that i was awake, he asked me 1 thing, "why?" i really didnt want to answer that question, he then asked, "why try to kill yourself?" i looked away from him, really not wanting to answer that question. i then responded, "i'll tell you, but you  have to answer my question first." he agreed to this, and i asked "why? why save me?" i could tell he didnt wanna answer that, and, oh great, i was being summoned, just fricking perfect, me and Princey appeared in the real world. and, instead of rising where he normaly does, Princey rised up supporting me. both Logan and Patton were there, greeeaaaat. Thomas looked at me, then looked at Prince. "Anxiety! Roman! what happened!?" Logan asked, worried. i looked down, not wanting to answer, and i could tell that Princey didnt wanna answer either. but i spoke up, "i tried to kill myself and later Roman found me, stiched me up, and took me to his room." everyone except Princey gasped "ok, you need rest Anxiety, and Roman, watch over him." i could tell that Logan was worried "i agree!" Patton was also worried. "ok, i called you here to make sure our alright. and i agree Logic" Thomas was worried, but not as much. me and Princey sank back into Thomas's mind, and Princey layed me back down on his bed. i still had one question running through my head, 'why?'

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